select count(1) into num from user_tables where table_name='ACCOUNT'; if num > 0 then dbms_output.put_line('存在!'); execute immediate 'drop table ACCOUNT '; end if; execute immediate 'create table Account ( AccountID nvarchar2(50) primary key, AccountName nvarchar2(50) )'; dbms_o...
DROPTABLEtempdb.dbo.#TempTable 1. 在上面的代码中,我们明确指定了数据库名称(tempdb)和模式名称(dbo),以确保能够准确删除临时表。 总结 SQL Server 删除临时表删除不了的问题是由于延迟名称解析机制导致的。为了解决这个问题,我们可以使用 IF EXISTS 语句或完整的表名来删除临时表。通过这两种方法,我们可以成功删除...
For tables I can implement "if not exists" and "if exists" as folows: --if table exists - drop If OBJECT_ID('A','U') is not null Drop Table [A] --if table not exists - Create If OBJECT_ID('A','U') is null Create Table A([key] varchar(20), [value]...
Create Table、Drop Table、Alter Table等属于DDL,Select、Insert、Update、Delete等属于DML, GRANT 授权、REVOKE 取消授权属于DCL 。 创建数据库例子: --drop database MySchool create database MySchool on(--括号一定是圆括号 name='MySchool_data',--数据库名称 filename='d:\MySchool_data.mdf',--物理文...
Sql代码ifobject_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’)isnotnulldroptable#临时表名ifobject_id(’tempdb..#临时表名’)isnotnulldroptable#临时表名5判断视图是否存在 Sql代码--SQL Server 2000IFEXISTS(SELECT*FROMsysviewsWHEREobject_id=’[dbo].[视图名]’--SQL Server 2005IFEXISTS(SELECT*FROMsys.viewsWHEREobject...
drop table [表名] 3 判断存储过程是否存在 if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[存储过程名]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [存储过程名] 4 判断临时表是否存在 if object_id('tempdb..#临时表名') is not null ...
现在SQL Server中有两个命令可以使用大数据的插入、更新、删除操作,性能方面比NOT IN有很大的提高,语法简单比NOT Exists好很多,写出来的语句看上去很清爽。 现在就请它们闪亮登场,Merge 和 Except。 例子: 首先创建两个表 代码语言:javascript 复制 1use[MyTest]2create tableTest1([id]int,[name]varchar(20))3...
SQL Server Drop Table ErrorAsk Question Asked 8 years, 2 months ago Modified 8 years, 2 months ago Viewed 2k times 2 I'm trying to drop by temp table if it exists, but I'm getting the error below. I've used this method with tables in the past, I'm not sure why its not ...
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Scores', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Scores; Or, for a temporary table you can use IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#TempTableName', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TempTableName; SQL Server 2016+ has a better way, using DROP TABLE IF EXISTS …. See the answ...