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Download SQL Server 2016 from the Evaluation Center Spin up a Virtual Machine with SQL Server 2016 already installed SQL Server editions The following table describes the editions of SQL Server. EditionDefinition EnterpriseThe premium offering, SQL Server Enterprise edition delivers comprehensive high-end...
Download SQL Server 2016 from the Evaluation Center Spin up a Virtual Machine with SQL Server 2016 already installed SQL Server editions The following table describes the editions of SQL Server. EditionDefinition EnterpriseThe premium offering, SQL Server Enterprise edition delivers comprehensive high-end...
Developer 和 Evaluation 版本 如需Developer 和 Evaluation 版本所支援的功能,請參閱下列各表中針對 SQL Server Enterprise Edition 列出的功能。 Developer Edition 只持續支援 1 個SQL Server Distributed Replay用戶端。 調整限制 功能Enterprise標準WebExpress ...
Download SQL Server 2016 from the Evaluation Center Spin up a Virtual Machine with SQL Server 2016 already installed SQL Server editions The following table describes the editions of SQL Server. EditionDefinition EnterpriseThe premium offering, SQL Server Enterprise edition delivers comprehensive high-end...
“Custom”: You go through SQL Server installation wizard to choose what you want to install “Download Media”: To download SQL Server setup files and install them later A while ago Microsoft decided to provide Developer edition of SQL Server 2014 and 2016 for free. So we should be able ...
从评估中心下载 SQL Server 2016 启动已安装 SQL Server 2016 的虚拟机 SQL Server 版本 下表介绍 SQL Server的各个版本。 版本定义 Enterprise作为高级产品/服务,SQL Server Enterprise Edition 提供了全面的高端数据中心功能,具有极高的性能和无限虚拟化1,还具有端到端商业智能,可为任务关键工作负载和最终用户访问数...
Download SQL Server 2016 from the Evaluation Center Spin up a Virtual Machine with SQL Server 2016 already installed SQL Server editions The following table describes the editions of SQL Server. EditionDefinition EnterpriseThe premium offering, SQL Server Enterprise edition delivers comprehensive high-end...
本節會識別套用 SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP3 之後可能發生的問題。 使用特定演算法、串流或資料分割的 R 服務 問題:下列限制條件適用於 SQL Server 2016 (13.x),使用變更預設 R 或 Python 語言執行時版本或 SP3 滑流安裝進行設定的運行時升級。 此問題適用於 Enterprise Edition。
Get started with Microsoft SQL Server downloads. Choose a SQL Server trial, edition, tool, or connector that best meets your data and workload needs.