SQL Server has two primary applications for keys: a service master key (SMK) generated on and for a SQL Server instance, and a database master key (DMK) used for a database. Service master key The Service Master Key is the root of the SQL Server encryption hierarchy. The SMK is automa...
AlterServerConfigurationStatement AlterServerRoleStatement AlterServiceMasterKeyOption AlterServiceMasterKeyStatement AlterServiceStatement AlterSymmetricKeyStatement AlterTableAddTableElementStatement AlterTableAlterColumnOption AlterTableAlterColumnStatement AlterTableAlterIndexStatement AlterTable...
SQL Server包含两个用于加密数据的密钥类型。 第一个是服务主密钥,位于层次结构的顶端,在安装SQL Server时自动创建,服务主密钥也可以用来加密其下的数据库主密钥、证书、链接服务器密码。在第一次加密时,服务主密钥会自动生成,并且使用SQL Server服务账户的Windows证书来生成它,如果必须修改SQL Server服务账户,建议使用...
Create MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'zhouwei123!' GO --创建证书,用于透明数据加密 CREATE CERTIFICATE TDE_Server_Certificate WITH SUBJECT = 'Server-level cert for TDE' GO --第一步:现在开始透明加密 USE cte GO CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY--创建数据库加密密钥 WITH ALGORITHM = TRIPLE_DES...
DeleteEncryptionKey方法用于从密钥表中删除可访问报表服务器数据库中安全信息的任何报表服务器的条目。 如果指定的 InstallationID参数与该数据库中的安装 ID 不对应,该方法将返回错误。 要求 命名空间:root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admin ...
To return the report server to a working state, you must delete the encrypted values that are currently stored in the report server database and then manually re-specify the values you need.Deleting the encryption keys removes all symmetric key information from the report server...
CREATE CERTIFICATE TDE_Server_Certificate WITH SUBJECT = 'Server-level cert for TDE' GO --第一步:现在开始透明加密 USE cte GO CREATE DATABASE ENCRYPTION KEY--创建数据库加密密钥 WITH ALGORITHM = TRIPLE_DES_3KEY--加密方式 ENCRYPTION BY SERVER CERTIFICATE TDE_Server_Certificate--使用服务器级证书加...
To return the report server to a working state, you must delete the encrypted values that are currently stored in the report server database and then manually re-specify the values you need. Deleting the encryption keys removes all symmetric key information from the report server database and ...
ALTER ANY COLUMN ENCRYPTION KEY:赋予或者拒绝创建、修改(ALTER)、删除(DROP)列加密密钥的权限(SQL Server 2016新增)。 ALTER ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY:赋予或者拒绝创建或者删除列主密钥的权限(SQL Server 2016新增)。 ALTER ANY DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION:赋予或者拒绝更改数据库配置的权限(SQL Server 2016新增)...
请参阅此 SQL Server 错误代码列表(介于 31000 到 41399 之间),查找有关 SQL Server 数据库引擎事件的错误消息的说明。