DATETIMEFROMPARTSDATETIMEFROMPARTS (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,milliseconds)傳回指定日期和時間的datetime值。datetime具決定性 DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTSDATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,fractions,hour_offset,minute_offset,precision)以指定的時差和精確度傳回指定日期和時間的datetimeoffset...
DATETIMEFROMPARTS DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds) 傳回指定日期和時間的 datetime 值。 datetime 具決定性 DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, hour_offset, minute_offset, precision) 以指定的時...
Under database compatibility level 130 and greater, implicit conversions from datetime to datetime2 data types show improved accuracy by accounting for the fractional milliseconds, resulting in different converted values, as seen in the previous example. Use explicit casting to datetime2 data type ...
Under database compatibility level 130 and greater, implicit conversions from datetime to datetime2 data types show improved accuracy by accounting for the fractional milliseconds, resulting in different converted values, as seen in the previous example. Use explicit casting to datetime2 data type ...
Cast explicitly to datetime2 when using datetime Under database compatibility level 130 and greater, implicit conversions fromdatetimetodatetime2data types show improved accuracy by accounting for the fractional milliseconds, resulting in different converted values, as seen in the previous example. Use ex...
Datetime Data Types in SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 supports three main datetime data types: datetime: This data type stores date and time values with a precision of up to 3.33 milliseconds. The valid range is January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999. ...
DATETIMEFROMPARTSDATETIMEFROMPARTS (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,milliseconds)傳回指定日期和時間的datetime值。datetime具決定性 DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTSDATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,fractions,hour_offset,minute_offset,precision)以指定的時差和精確度傳回指定日期和時間的datetimeoffset...
Sql Server中的日期与时间函数 1. 当前系统日期、时间 select getdate() 2. dateadd 在向指定日期加上一段时间的基础上,返回新的 datetime 值 例如:向日期加上2天 select dateadd(day,2,'2004-10-15') --返回:2004-10-17 00:00:00.000 3. datediff 返回跨两个指定日期的日期和时间边界数。
使用FORMAT函数 FORMAT函数是一个非常灵活的格式化工具,可以通过指定格式字符串来去掉毫秒。 -- 使用FORMAT函数去掉毫秒SELECTFORMAT(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')ASTimeWithoutMilliseconds; 1. 2. 使用CAST函数 使用CAST函数将时间办理成简单的DATETIME格式,也可以去掉毫秒。
DATETIME2FROMPARTSDATETIME2FROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, precision)对指定的日期和时间返回 datetime2 值(具有指定精度)。datetime2( precision )Deterministic DATETIMEFROMPARTSDATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds)为指定的日期和时间返回...