Database owners and database users with the ALTER ANY USER permission can create contained database users. After connecting to a contained database on an instance of SQL Server, a contained database user can access other databases on the Database Engine, if the other databases ha...
SQL Server Azure SQL 資料庫 Azure SQL 受控執行個體 本文提供建立 SQL Server 安全性的最佳做法和指導方針相關資訊。 如需完整檢閱 SQL Server 安全性功能,請參閱保護 SQL Server。 如需特定產品的安全性最佳做法,請參閱Azure SQL Database 和 SQL 受控執行個體以及Azure VM 上的 SQL Server。
Microsoft’sSQL Assessment APIprovides a mechanism to evaluate the database configuration of SQL Server for best practices. The API is delivered with a ruleset containing best practice rules suggested by the SQL Server Team. While this ruleset is enhanced with the release of new versions, the ...
然后,管理员可以通过使用 USE<database> 语句更改为包含的数据库。 您也可以将登录操作的默认数据库设置为包含的数据库,这样会先登录到 master数据库,然后再转而登录到包含的数据库。 最佳做法是,创建有密码的包含数据库用户时,其名称不得与 SQL Server 登录名相同。 如果存在重复的登录名,请连接到 mast...
重要 若啟用部分自主資料庫,會將 SQL Server 執行個體的存取控制權委派給資料庫擁有者。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 Security Best Practices with Contained Databases。自動自動關閉 指定最後一個使用者結束後,資料庫是否正常關閉並釋出資源。 可能的值為 True 和False。 若為 [True],資料庫會正常關閉,並在最後一位...
Summary: SQL Server 2005 implemented the concept of a database object schema. A schema is a distinct namespace to facilitate the separation, management, and ownership of database objects. It removed the tight coupling of database objects and owners to improve the security administration of databa...
若啟用部分自主資料庫,會將 SQL Server 執行個體的存取控制權委派給資料庫擁有者。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱Security Best Practices with Contained Databases。 資料庫界限 因為部分自主資料庫會分隔資料庫功能與執行個體功能,所以兩個元素之間有一條明確定義的線,稱為「資料庫界限」(Database Boundary)。
Ensure a successful SQL Server database creation with best practices. Tailor settings for performance, security, and recovery. Learn key considerations here.
the catalog size on each server, allowing the application to scale out as needed. Also, it provides natural security barriers when users from one group should not be allowed to query data belonging to another group. Based on further research, this turned out to be the most promising strategy...
Security groups Each RDS for SQL Server instance is associated with one or moresecurity groups. These security groups allow you to control the traffic to your database instances by specifying an IP or a range of IP addresses as well as the port or port ranges thr...