-- SQL Server SyntaxALTERDATABASE{database_name|CURRENT} {MODIFYNAME=new_database_name|COLLATEcollation_name|<file_and_filegroup_options>|SET<option_spec>[ ,...n ] [WITH<termination>] } [;]<file_and_filegroup_options>::=<add_or_modify_files>::=<filespec>::=<add_or_modify_filegroups...
Database stateONLINENo Database updateREAD_WRITENo Database user accessMULTI_USERNo DATE_CORRELATION_OPTIMIZATIONOFFYes DB_CHAININGONNo DELAYED_DURABILITYDISABLED Regardless of this option, delayed durability is alwaysenabledontempdb.Yes ENCRYPTIONOFFNo ...
The purpose of this document is to describe different ways of improving the performance of SQL Server queries. Most of this document will describe index optimization, with occasional references to particular code snippets. In other words, this document will describe how to achieve the best performanc...
SQL Server: DROPINDEXtable_name.index_name; DB2/Oracle: DROPINDEXindex_name; Mysql: ALTERTABLEtable_nameDROPINDEXindex_name; SQL Query optimization is a process of writing thoughtful SQL queries to improve database performance. During development, the amount of data accessed and tested is less. ...
USE [database_name] GO ALTER DATABASE CURRENT SET COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL=130 GO 备注 由于兼容性级别 130 下存在查询优化器更改,因此建议在更改兼容性级别之前启用查询存储。 有关详细信息,请参阅查询存储使用方案中的“升级到较新的 SQL Server”部分中的“保持性能稳定性”。 步骤4:更新持久结构 如果在步骤...
Applies to:SQL ServerAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed Instance Sets Transact-SQL and query processing behaviors to be compatible with the specified version of the SQL engine. For other ALTER DATABASE options, seeALTER DATABASE. For more information about the syntax conventions, seeTransact-SQL ...
As part of a series of articles on several data access optimization steps in SQL Server, this article focuses on using some advanced indexing techniques and using de-normalizations to optimize data access. Top 10 steps to optimize data access in SQL Server. Part IV (Diagnose database performanc...
2. 类图 Developer- name: string- experience: string+teachNovice() : voidNovice- name: string- task: string+learnOptimization() : void 通过上述步骤和代码示例,你可以学会如何在 SQL Server 2012 中优化千万数据,提高数据库性能。祝你学习顺利!
Summary:This article describes different ways of improving the performance of SQL Server queries, with a focus on index optimization. (6 printed pages) Contents Introduction Data and Index Organization Optimization Rules of Thumb Introduction The purpose of this document is to describe different ways ...
Azure SQL ServerIn addition to the benefits of SQL Server, offers dynamic scalability with no downtime, intelligent optimization, global scalability and availability, elimination of hardware costs, and reduced administration. Choose the best Azure SQL Server option ...