[code=sql]<add key="data" value="server=; Port=3306; uid=root; pwd=root;database=data;pooling=true;min pool size=5;max pool size=512;connect timeout = 20; "/> [/code] 查看应用程序池占用数量: [code=sql]select * from sysprocesses where dbid= db_id('数据库名')[/cod...
Connect to the Database Engine using Extended Protection Certificate management Register a Service Principal Name for Kerberos connections Client Network Configuration Uninstall SQL Server Reference Migrate & load data Manage, monitor, & tune Query data...
Because SQL Server Compact is a file-based database system, you can accomplish many common database tasks such as backing up, restoring, and deleting a database by using the file system APIs.To back up a database, close all connections to the database, and then copy the .sdf file. To...
select 'select database_id, db_name(database_id) dbname, database_transaction_begin_time, database_transaction_state, database_transaction_log_record_count, database_transaction_log_bytes_used, database_transaction_begin_lsn, stran.session_id from sys.dm_tran_database_transactions dbtran left o...
// Assumes that command is a SqlCommand object.command.Text ="USE DatabaseName";using(SqlConnection connection =newSqlConnection( connectionString)) { connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } 应用程序角色和连接池 通过调用sp_setapprole系统存储过程激活了 SQL Server 应用程序角色之后,该连接的安...
将所有已经完整备份过的数据库在旧的环境中detach(勾选close all connections) 2. 将所有的.mdf, .ndf, .ldf数据文件复制(注意不是剪切)到新的环境中 3. 在新的环境中将这些数据库逐个attach上去 4. 在Management Studio中右键数据库->属性,将数据库的兼容级别改成100 (需要特别关注兼容级 别...
If you want to create non-Microsoft Entra ID (Microsoft Entra ID) connections, use the connection string authentication option. Make sure that you provide the same Server name and Database name values as defined in your connection.Microsoft Entra ID authentication...
In such situations when you need to kill or close all the active or open connections to the SQL Server database, you may manage this task by using the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or by running t-sql commands or codes. Actually, this task can be thought as a batch task tokill...
sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions. 在使用資料列版本設定的 SQL Server 執行個體內,傳回所有資料庫的所有使用中交易的虛擬資料表。 系統交易不會出現在這個 DMV 中。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_t...
For more information, see SQL Server and Azure SQL Database improvements in handling some data types and uncommon operations.Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) RTM CU 3, SQL Server 2016 (13.x) Service Pack 1 and later versions.Warning: Trace Flag 139 isn't meant to be enabled ...