DECLARE CURSOR语句的第一种格式采用 ISO 语法来声明游标行为。DECLARE CURSOR的第二种格式使用 Transact-SQL扩展插件,这些扩展插件允许使用在 ODBC 或 ADO 的数据库 API 游标函数中所使用的相同游标类型来定义游标。 不能混淆这两种格式。 如果在CURSOR关键字前指定SCROLL或INSENSITIVE关键字,则不能在CURSOR和FOR 关键...
SQL Server supports two methods for requesting a cursor: Transact-SQL The Transact-SQL language supports a syntax for using cursors modeled after the ISO cursor syntax. Database application programming interface (API) cursor functions SQL Server supports the cursor functionality of these database APIs...
声明一个游标 国际标准语句(ISO Syntax):declare cursor_name{ [insensitive ]| [scroll] }cursor for sql_sentence[ for{ read only | update[ of column_name [ ,...n ] ] } ] Transact-SQL 扩展语句(Transact-SQL Extended Syntax):declare cursor_namecursor[ local| global][ forward_only |scroll]...
绗 6 绔 SQL Server 鏁版嵁搴撶郴缁 鏈 珷瀛︿範鐩 爣鏈 珷涓昏 浠嬬粛 SQL Server 鐨勪娇鐢ㄥ拰寮 鍙 .閫氳繃鏈 珷瀛︿範,璇昏 呭簲璇ユ帉鎻′互涓嬪唴瀹 : 飦 浜嗚В SQL Server 飦 SQL Server 绠$悊宸ュ叿浣跨敤鏂规硶 飦 SQL Server 涓 暟鎹 簱鐨勫垱寤轰笌缁存姢 飦...
适用范围:SQL Server从数据库中提取由一行或多行组成的缓冲区。 此缓冲区中的行组称为游标的 提取缓冲区。 sp_cursorfetch 通过在表格数据流(TDS)数据包中指定 ID = 7 来调用。Transact-SQL 语法约定语法syntaxsql 复制 sp_cursorfetch cursor [ , fetchtype [ , rownum [ , nrows ] ] ] [ ;...
Defines the attributes of a Transact-SQL server cursor, such as its scrolling behavior and the query used to build the result set on which the cursor operates.
The Transact-SQL language supports a syntax for using cursors modeled after the ISO cursor syntax. Database application programming interface (API) cursor functions SQL Server supports the cursor functionality of these database APIs: ADO (Microsoft ActiveX Data Object) OLE DB ODBC (Open Database...
The Transact-SQL language supports a syntax for using cursors modeled after the ISO cursor syntax. Database application programming interface (API) cursor functions SQL Server supports the cursor functionality of these database APIs: ADO (Microsoft ActiveX Data Object) OLE DB ODBC (Open Database...
Defines the attributes of a Transact-SQL server cursor, such as its scrolling behavior and the query used to build the result set on which the cursor operates.