To learn what a specific version number of SQL Server maps to, or to find the KB article information for a specific cumulative update package or a service pack, search for the version number in the SQL Server Complete Version list tables. To find the edition of your SQL Server instance, ...
Only the most recent CU that was released for SQL Server 2016 SP2 is available at the Download Center. Each new CU contains all the fixes that were included togetrher with the previous CU for the installed version or service pack of SQL Server. For a list of the latest cumulative update...
This update contains 39 fixes that were issued after the release of SQL Server 2019 Cumulative Update 16, and it updates components in the following builds:SQL Server - Product version: 15.0.4249.2, file version: 2019.150.4249.2 Analysis Services - Product version:, file version: ...
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2022 RTM Latest Cumulative Update: Update Center for Microsoft SQL Server: 索引页面: Microsoft SQL Server 下载汇总 ...
To learn what a specific version number of SQL Server maps to, or to find the KB article information for a specific cumulative update package or a service pack, search for the version number in the SQL Server Complete Version list tables. To find the edition of your SQL Server instance, ...
9432 - This trace flag disables the fix that was introduced in SQL Server 2019 CU14.Microsoft is working on a fix for this issue and it will be available in a future CU.Improvements and fixes included in this updateA downloadable Excel workbook that contains a summary list of builds, toge...
Cumulative Update #13 for SQL Server 2022 RTM 请访问原文链接:,查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。 作者主页 SQL-Server-sysin SQL Server 2022 现已普遍可用 2022 年 11 月 16 日,巨硬宣布正式发布 SQL Server 2022,这是迄今为止支持 Azure 最多的...
9432 - This trace flag disables the fix that was introduced in SQL Server 2019 CU14.Microsoft is working on a fix for this issue and it will be available in a future CU.Improvements and fixes included in this updateA downloadable Excel workbook that contains a summary list of builds, toge...
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2022 RTM Latest Cumulative Update: Update Center for Microsoft SQL Server: ...
SQL Server 2022 与 Azure 的连接(包括 Azure Synapse Link 和 Microsoft Purview)使客户更容易从他们的数据中大规模地获得更深入的洞察、预测和治理 (sysin)。Azure 集成还包括到 Azure SQL 托管实例的托管灾难恢复 (DR),以及近乎实时的分析,使数据库管理员能够以更大的灵活性和对最终用户的最小影响来管理他们...