UNIQUE } [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor | WITH ( <index_option> [ ,... n ] ) ] [ ON { partition_scheme_name ( partition_column_name ) | filegroup | "default" } ] | [ FOREIGN KEY ] REFERENCES referenced_table_name [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE...
UNIQUE } [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor | WITH ( <index_option> [ ,... n ] ) ] [ ON { partition_scheme_name ( partition_column_name ) | filegroup | "default" } ] | [ FOREIGN KEY ] REFERENCES referenced_table_name [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE...
UNIQUE } [ CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED ] [ WITH FILLFACTOR = fillfactor | WITH ( <index_option> [ ,... n ] ) ] [ ON { partition_scheme_name ( partition_column_name ) | filegroup | "default" } ] | [ FOREIGN KEY ] REFERENCES referenced_table_name [ ( ref_column ) ] [ ON DELETE...
USEAdventureWorks2022; GO-- Create a new table with three columns.CREATETABLEdbo.TestTable ( TestCol1INTNOTNULL, TestCol2NCHAR(10)NULL, TestCol3NVARCHAR(50)NULL); GO-- Create a clustered index called IX_TestTable_TestCol1-- on the dbo.TestTable table using the TestCol1 column.CREATECLUS...
TABLE 一整個資料表,包含所有資料和索引。 FILE 資料庫檔案 APPLICATION 應用程式指定資源。 METADATA 中繼資料鎖定。 ALLOCATION_UNIT 配置單位。 DATABASE 一整個資料庫。 注意 ALTER TABLE 的LOCK_ESCALATION 選項可影響 HoBT 和 TABLE 鎖定。 鎖定模式 SQL Server Database Engine 使用可決定並行交易如何存取資源的...
CREATE TABLE student ( Stu_id Varchar(10) constraint pk_stu primary key NOT NULL, Stu_name Varchar(10) constraint uk_name unique NOT NULL, Stu_sex Varchar(2) default (‘男’) NOT NULL, Birthdate datetime NULL, Phone Varchar(8) constraint ck_phone check(phone like ‘8295[0-9][0-9]...
有关详细信息,请参阅 ALTER TABLE 的LOCK_ESCALATION 选项。 监视锁升级 使用lock_escalation 扩展事件来监视锁升级,如以下示例中所示: SQL 复制 -- Session creates a histogram of the number of lock escalations per database CREATE EVENT SESSION [Track_lock_escalation] ON SERVER ADD EVENT s...
This article shows you how to create unique constraints using SQL Server Management Studio and Transact-SQL.
SQl Server 的索引有三种 唯一索引(UNIQUE),聚集索引(CLUSTERED) ,非聚集索引(NONCLUSTERED)。 --在表中存在主键时无法创建聚集索引,并且一个表只能有一个聚合索引, 添加主键时会默认添加一个索引,对有主键的表执行 sp_helpindex tableName 就可以看见
SERVER ROLE SERVICE SERVICE MASTER KEY SYMMETRIC KEY TABLE TABLE column_constraint TABLE column_definition TABLE computed_column_definition TABLE index_option TABLE table_constraint TRIGGER User VIEW WORKLOAD GROUP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION バックアップと復元 CREATE 照合順序 DROP アクセス許可 Service Brok...