Learn how to create a Transact-SQL stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
Learn how to create a Transact-SQL stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
1--创建名为 GetStuCou_In 的有输入参数的存储过程2createprocedureGetStuCou_In3@StuNonvarchar(64)='001'--设置默认值4as5begin6select*fromStudentwhereS_StuNo=@StuNo7end89--执行名为 GetStuCou_In 的有输入参数的存储过程(不传参数,即使用默认值)10executeGetStuCou_In1112--执行名为 GetStuCou_In ...
Learn how to create a Transact-SQL stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
SQL Server创建存储过程——动态SQL 简介: 存储过程(stored procedure)是一组为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集合,经编译后存储在服务器端的数据库中,利用存储过程可以加速SQL语句的执行。 自定义存储过程,由用户创建并能完成某一特定功能的存储过程,存储过程既可以有参数又有返回值,但是它与函数不同,存储过程的返回值只是...
二、Sql Server使用存储过程 例子使用的UserInfo表只有 UserName,UserPass,Email和主键 Id 列 2.1 简单的无参查询(查询用户名和密码) --创建查询用户名和密码的存储过程 create proc pro_getUserList as select username,userpass from UserInfo go --执行 ...
create procedure 存储过程名 参数 as 功能 --执行 exec 存储过程名 --调用语句为批处理的第一条语句时,可省略exec 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 示例: 2.不带参数的存储过程:创建一个存储过程,查看所有读者的姓名、可借本数、可借天数和已借书本数。
Learn how to create a Transact-SQL stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
This article describes how to create a SQL Server stored procedure by using SQL Server Management Studio and by using the Transact-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE statement.PermissionsRequires CREATE PROCEDURE permission in the database and ALTER permission on the schema in which the procedure is being created....
How to: Create a Stored Procedure (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Modify a Stored Procedure (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Rename a Stored Procedure (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: View the Definition of a Stored Procedure (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: View ...