grant create any database, view any database to x1 --明确登陆名x1拒绝关闭实例的权限 deny shutdown to x1 --撤销授予的权限 revoke create any database, view any database from x1 --查看windows级别主体或者sql server级别主体被授予的权限 select ps.class_desc, ps.permission_name, ps.state_desc,...
--server role权限,包含fixed server role和自定义的server role select a.member_principal_id, a.member_principal_name, a.role_principal_id, a.role_principal_name, isnull(b.permission_name,'Fixed Server-Level Role: '+role_principal_name) as permission_name, isnull(b.state_desc,'GRANT') as ...
Confers to the grantee the ability to create the Server Securable. CREATE <Database Securable> Confers to the grantee the ability to create the Database Securable. CREATE <Schema-contained Securable> Confers the ability to create the schema-contained securable. However, ALTER permission on the sche...
如想让 SQL Server 登陆帐户“dba”访问多个数据库,比如 mydb2。 可以让 sa 执行下面的语句: --让 SQL Server 登陆帐户“dba”访问多个数据库 use mydb2 go create user dba for login dba with default_schema=dbo go exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'dba' go 此时,dba 就可以有两个数据库 mydb,...
CREATESCHEMAtestAUTHORIZATIONklb 如果已经存在对应的用户模式 USEAdventureWorks2014; GO GRANTALTERONSCHEMA::testTOklb 按上面这样授权后,那么对比下面脚本,你就会发现klb可以在test这个模式下创建表,但是不能在dbo这个模式下创建表。其实这个也是SQL Server 用户模式分离设计的原因。
Confers to the grantee the ability to create the Server Securable. CREATE <Database Securable> Confers to the grantee the ability to create the Database Securable. CREATE <Schema-contained Securable> Confers the ability to create the schema-contained securable. However, ALTER permission on the sche...
This article describes how to create a schema in SQL Server by using SQL Server Management Studio or Transact-SQL.PermissionsTo create a schema, you must have CREATE SCHEMA permission on the database. To specify another user as the owner of the schema being created, the caller must have ...
PERMISSION 确立允许或禁止哪个操作。 SQL Server 和 SQL 数据库的确切权限数量不同。 这些权限在《权限(数据库引擎)》文章和下面引用的图表中列出。 ON SECURABLE::NAME 是安全对象(服务器、服务器对象、数据库或数据库对象)的类型及其名称。 某些权限不需要 ON SECURABLE::NAME,因为它是明确的或在上下文中不适当...
CREATE SCHEMA statements that do not specify a schema name are currently supported for backward compatibility. Such statements do not actually create a schema inside the database, but they do create tables and views, and grant permissions. Principals do not need CREATE SCHEMA permission to execute...
CREATE USER<user_name>FOR LOGIN<login_name>WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=<permission(权限)>; 接下来要在左边窗口下的安全性中对你添加的用户的属性进行配置,如下图所示: 用户登陆属性 最后还要配置服务器的属性,右击右边窗口中服务器名,进入它的属性,如下图所示: ...