when ownership change to another node,(auto failover) it will see the same corrupt files. HarshDeep_Singh June 5, 2013 Hi Manish, Thanks for showing interest in the blog. Starting SQL Server 2008, the resource database is no longer tied to the master db, and is stored in...
As of all Database Management Systems, SQL Server heavily relies on the Disk Subsystem for storing and retrieving data. Any issues in the Disk Subsystem, the Disk Controllers or the Communication Channels or even the Disk Drivers can cause databases to become corrupt....
这样我们就创建了一个Corrupt的数据库,稍后我会花时间测试恢复(page restore/ dbcc checkdbrepair_allow_data_loss/rebuildSQL Server log),然后把测试步骤发出来. 如果你不想自己创建的话,也可以使用Paul提供的两个Corrupt数据库做测试。
RESTORE DATABASE [Corrupt_DB] PAGE='1:155' FROM DISK = N'C:/xxx.bak' WITH FILE = 1, NORECOVERY, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 5 代码清单1.一个简单的页还原代码,从备份中还原文件ID1中的第155页 记得我们前面说的,在读取页计算校验和时出错,这既可能是被写入持久化存储的页本身出错,也可能是在页被读取...
chances are it will happen again... and again... and again until the source of the problem is fixed. This means the instant you have any indication of a corrupt SQL Server database you should immediately ask for low-level hardware diagnostics and a thorough review of all logs (event view...
Database corruptions are often the most painful bugs to repro and debug. A good percentage of the SQL Server Compact bugs reported are in this category. However it so turns out that in majority of the cases Compact is not the culprit. Surprised!! Let us see why.How...
Use SQL Server Database Recovery software, and Get back corrupted SQL Server 2000 database fruitfully. Fix and Restore SQL server database with all SQL objects such as Table, Triggers and Views etc.
Simple process to know how to recover data back from corrupt SQL server database without installation of SQL Server by using SQL Server recovery manager.
图2.824错误在SQL Server错误记录中的描述 因此,如果我们存在完善的备份的话,我们可以通过备份进行页还原(在此再次强调一下对于DBA来说,有”备”无患),一个简单的页还原代码如代码清单1所示。 USE[master] RESTOREDATABASE[Corrupt_DB] PAGE='1:155'
图2.824错误在SQL Server错误记录中的描述 因此,如果我们存在完善的备份的话,我们可以通过备份进行页还原(在此再次强调一下对于DBA来说,有”备”无患),一个简单的页还原代码如代码清单1所示。 USE [master]RESTORE DATABASE [Corrupt_DB] PAGE='1:155'FROM DISK = N'C:xxx.bak'WITH FILE = 1, NOrecovery...