这一部分简要概述了 SQL Server 2005 中增加的新的 XML 支持,它是通过.NET 框架 V2.0 中的支持和本机客户端数据访问(如 OLE DB)进行补充的。XML 数据类型XML 数据模型具有一些特性,这些特性使得映射到关系数据模型非常困难,如果不是完全不可能的话。XML 数据具有可以递归的层次结构;关系数据库提供对层次数据(...
另外, contains包含的列都必须来自同一个表, 不能跨表, 例如where contains(a.ProductDesc, b.ProductName, '*cad*'), 这样是不行的. 3.Lucene全文检索 SQL server全文检索不灵了, 只能找第三方的方案了, 首当其冲的就是Lucene了, 但在.net下, Lucene却很不顺当. NLucene是将 Lucene 从 Java 移植到...
4 SQL Replace command with wildcards 0 How to use wildcards in SQL SELECT Replace 2 Using T-SQL REPLACE with wildcard lookup to replace field values 0 Replacing part of the string in SQL with different patterns 0 Replace function, keep unknown substrings/wildcards 1 Can I use Repl...
SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) and SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) Native Client (SNAC) support wildcard certificates. SNAC has since been deprecated and replaced with the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server and Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server. Other clients might not ...
Using the string summary, SQL Server can accurately estimate the selectivity of LIKE conditions where the pattern may have any number of wildcards in any combination. For example, SQL Server can estimate the selectivity of predicates of the following form. Copy Column LIKE 'string%' Column ...
When you can, reject input that contains the following characters. Input characterMeaning in Transact-SQL ;Query delimiter. 'Character data string delimiter. --Single-line comment delimiter. Text following--until the end of that line isn't evaluated by the server. ...
But in terms generalizing this approach, let's also consider the more obscure corner cases, like when the Name column contains a wildcard character (as recognized by the LIKE predicate.) The wildcard character I see most commonly used is % (a percent sign.). So let's deal with that her...
在SQL Server的SQL优化过程中,如果遇到WHERE条件中包含LIKE '%search_string%'是一件非常头痛的事情。这种情况下,一般要修改业务逻辑或改写SQL才能解决SQL执行计划走索引扫描或全表扫描的问题。最近在优化SQL语句的时候,遇到了一个很有意思的问题。某些使用LIKE '%' + @search_string + '%'(或者 LIKE @search_...
SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) and SQL Server 2008 R2 (10.50.x) Native Client (SNAC) support wildcard certificates. SNAC has since been deprecated and replaced with the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server and Microsoft ODBC Driver fo...
This is an improvement over SQL Server 2000, which uses a guess for selectivity when any wildcard other than a trailing wildcard % is used in the LIKE pattern, and has limited accuracy in its estimates in that case. The String Index field in the first row set returned by DBCC SHOW_STAT...