:ServerList :XML [ ON | OFF ] :Setvar :Listvar 使用sqlcmd 命令時請注意下列事項:除了GO 之外的所有 sqlcmd 命令開頭都必須加上冒號 (:)。 重要 為了顧及與現有 osql 指令碼的回溯相容性,也會辨識部分沒有冒號的命令,其以 : 表示。 sqlcmd 命令必須在行首,才能夠辨識。 所有sqlcmd 命令都不區分大小...
sqlcmd commandsIn addition to Transact-SQL statements within sqlcmd, the following commands are also available:GO [ count ] :List [:]RESET :Error [:]ED :Out [:]!! :Perftrace [:]QUIT :Connect [:]EXIT :On Error :r :Help :ServerList :XML [ ON | OFF ] ...
GO [ count ] :List [:]RESET :Error [:]ED :Out [:]!! :Perftrace [:]QUIT :Connect [:]EXIT :On Error :r :Help :ServerList :XML [ ON | OFF ] :Setvar :Listvar 使用sqlcmd 命令时,请注意以下事项:除GO 以外,所有 sqlcmd 命令必须以冒号 (:) 为前缀。 重要 为了保持现有 osql 脚本...
Commands: completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell config Modify sqlconfig files using subcommands like "sqlcmd config use-context mssql" create Install/Create SQL Server, Azure SQL, and Tools delete Uninstall/Delete the current context help Help about any command open ...
對要升級的資料庫執行適當的 Database Console Commands (DBCC),以確定它們處於一致狀態。 除了使用者資料庫以外,也要評估升級 SQL Server 元件所需的磁碟空間。 如需 SQL Server 元件所需的磁碟空間,請參閱 SQL Server 2016 和 2017:硬體和軟體需求。 確定現有的 SQL Server 系統資料庫 -master、model、 msdb...
:serverlist 列出在本地配置的服务器和在网络上进行广播的服务器的名称。 :list 打印语句缓存的内容。 :listvar 显示当前设置的脚本变量列表。 :error <destination>[ filename | STDERR | STDOUT] 将所有错误输出重定向到 filename 指定的文件、STDERR 流或 STDOUT 流。默认情况下,错误输出将发送到 STDERR。
To manage the default database server instance, use these commands: NET START MSSQLSERVER Starts SQL Server as a service. NET STOP MSSQLSERVER Stops SQL Server when running as a service. NET PAUSE MSSQLSERVER Pauses SQL Server when running as a service. NET CONTINUE MSSQLSERVER Resumes SQL...
theWindowsand R keytogether. In Run, type “SQLServerManager14.msc” command. The SQL Server configuration manager will open. Following is the list of commands that can be used to open the SQL Server configuration manager using “Run” or command prompt for different versions of SQL Server. ...
参考:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sql/relational-databases/replication/monitor/programmatically-monitor-replication?view=sql-server-ver15 分发服务器上运行 【3.4】表:查看复制表监视 (1)MSDB select*frommsdb..MSagentparameterlist--代理配置参数列表select*frommsdb..MSagent_parameters--代理配置文件对于...
When you run the specified commands, remember to replace example-Azure-AD-application-name with the name for your Microsoft Entra ID application, and assign the required roles for your needs. Start SSMS and connect to the SQL server where the Microsoft Entra ID application will access. In ...