通过开始菜单运行:在开始菜单中搜索 “SQL Server Configuration Manager”,然后点击运行。 通过控制面板运行:在“控制面板”中找到 “SQL Server Configuration Manager”,然后点击运行。 通过命令行运行:打开命令提示符或 PowerShell,输入 “SQLServerManager15.msc”(其中的 “15” 可能会因为安装的 SQL Server 版本...
Applies to: SQL ServerSQL Server Configuration Manager is a tool to manage the services associated with SQL Server, to configure the network protocols used by SQL Server, and to manage the network connectivity configuration from SQL Server client computers. Beginning with SQL Server 2022 (16.x),...
# SQL Server Configuration Manager的查找和打开流程## 流程图```mermaidgraph TD; A[开始] --> B[点击开始菜单] B --> C[在搜索框中输入"SQL Server Configuration Manager"] C --> D[点击搜索结果中的"SQL Server Configuration Ma Server SQL 搜索 sql server 2012 打开sql server configuration mana...
In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expandSQL Server Native Client Configuration, right-clickClient Protocols, and then clickProperties. In theEnabled Protocolsbox, clickMove UporMove Down, to change the order in which protocols are tried, when attempting to connect to SQL Server. The top protocol...
我们打开SQL Server Configuration Manager,在左侧的面板中展开SQL Native Client Configuration(或者SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration)节点,并选中节点下面的Client Protocols。此时在右侧面板你会看到所有支持的客户端协议。我们可以通过右键来启动和禁用命名管道协议。可以右键选择属性来编辑客户端的默认管道。见图7。
Applies to:SQL Server SQL Server Configuration Manager is a tool to manage the services associated with SQL Server, to configure the network protocols used by SQL Server, and to manage the network connectivity configuration from SQL Server client computers. Beginning with SQL Server 2022 (16.x),...
SQL Server <server> 属性 SQL Server Integration Services 10.0 SQL 全文筛选后台服务启动器 未知服务 SQL Server 网络配置 SQL Native Client 11.0 配置 错误日志 SQLCMD SSB 诊断 SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
SQL Server native client is a network library that the client uses to connect to the SQL Server. Using the SQL Server configuration manager, we can perform the following tasks: SQL Server本机客户端是客户端用来连接到SQL Server的网络库。 使用SQL Server配置管理器,我们可以执行以下任务: ...
Native client 数据库客户端 与外围文件交互的时候用的到。需要安装。Integration Services 数据库集成服务 做数据库集群,复制数据的 Data Profile Viewer 数据文件查看器 Execute Package Utility 与SSIS相关 Reporting Services 用来制数据作报表的 Reporting Services ...
Applies to:SQL Server SQL Server Configuration Manager is a tool to manage the services associated with SQL Server, to configure the network protocols used by SQL Server, and to manage the network connectivity configuration from SQL Server client computers. In SQL Server 2022 (16.x) and later ...