BACKUP DATABASEdatabasename TO DISK = 'filepath\filename.bak' WITH ENCRYPTION (ALGORITHM =AES_256, SERVER CERTIFICATE =certificatename) 2. 然后单击“执行”创建加密备份。 ✦ 方式 2: 使用 SSMS GUI 的 SQL Server 备份加密 1. 启动SSMS并连接到您的实例。右键单击要备份的数据库名称,然后选择“任务...
AES_192 and AES_256 is AES encryption algorithm can not be used on Microsoft Windows 2000 Servers and Windows XP operating systems. If you have a MS SQL Server instance running on a Win2k server, then it is better to create the symmetric keys using the TRIPLE_DES algorithm, for instance....
有关所有 WITH 选项的详细信息,请参阅 BACKUP (Transact-SQL)。基本备份集 WITH 选项:{ COMPRESSION | NO_COMPRESSION }:(仅适用于 SQL Server 2008 (10.0.x) Enterprise 和更高版本)指定是否对此备份执行备份压缩,浙江覆盖服务器级的默认设置。 ENCRYPTION (ALGORITHM, SERVER CERTIFICATE | ASYMMETRIC KEY):仅...
master 数据库的数据库主密钥,以及 SQL Server 实例上的证书或非对称密钥。 有关加密要求和权限,请参阅Backup Encryption。 创建SQL Server 凭据:若要创建 SQL Server 凭据,请连接到数据库引擎、打开新查询窗口并复制和粘贴到下例,然后单击“执行” 。 复制 CREATE CREDENTIAL mycredential WITH IDENTITY= '...
1. 分离(detach)或备份(backup)数据库; 2. 将旧实例上的系统数据库(master, msdb, tempdb, model)复制到新服务器的SQL Server数据文件路径,建议使用与旧实例相同的文件路径;(master库采用restore的方法,msdb,model采用直接文件替换的方法) 3. 在新的实例上面更改master数据库里记录的系统数据库文件路径(如果新旧...
CLTWORKINGDIR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\DReplayClient\WorkingDir\ COMMFABRICENCRYPTION: 0 COMMFABRICNETWORKLEVEL: 0 COMMFABRICPORT: 0 CONFIGURATIONFILE: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20131031_111714\ConfigurationFile.ini ...
# Change 'bastion.local' to the domain name you specified in Step 1.2 nslookup bastion.local # If it fails, use sconfig.exe, option 8, to set the first HGS computer as your preferred DNS server. 電腦重新開機之後,請在已提升權限的 Windows PowerShell 主控台中執行下列命令,將...
Backup operations are I/O intensive and can be affected by this bug. Apply this fix to help prevent these issues. Configure antivirus software to work with SQL ServerAntivirus software may hold locks on .bak files. This can affect the performance of backup and restore operations. Follow the...
BACKUP DATABASE [MyTestDB] TO URL = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Backup\MyTestDB.bak' WITH CREDENTIAL 'mycredential' - this is the name of the credential created in the first step. ,COMPRESSION ,ENCRYPTION ( ALGORITHM = AES_256, SERVER CERTIFICATE ...
protect SQL Server encryption keys. Only the public portion of the asymmetric key ever leaves the vault; the private portion is never exported by the vault. All cryptographic operations using the asymmetric key are done within the Azure Key Vault service, and are protected by the service's ...