BACKUP DATABASE your_database TO DISK = 'full.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY 进行仅复制备份的另一种方法是使用SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS):右键单击要备份的数据库,选择“任务”,然后选择“备份...”。选择类型选项为“完整”,选中“仅复制备份”复选框,添加备份目的地,然后单击“确定”。 翻译自https://...
使用登录账户连接到SQL Server 2019,打开SSMS图形用户界面的管理工具,在【对象资源管理器】窗口中,打开服务器节点,依次选择【数据库】→【test】节点,右击test 数据库,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择【属性】菜单命令。打开【数据库属性-test】对话框,选择【选项】选项,打开右侧的选项卡,在【恢复模式】下拉列表框中选择其中...
备份[名词] \(backup) 可用于在失败后还原或恢复数据的 数据副本。 数据库备份还可用于将数据库副本还原到新位置。 备份设备 (backup device) 要写入 SQL Server 备份及能从中还原这些备份的磁盘或磁带设备。 SQL Server 备份也可以写入 Azure Blob 存储,并且使用 URL 格式来指定备份文件的目标和名称。有关详细信...
T-SQL 是 MS SQL Server 用来与数据库通信的 SQL 语言的扩展。要创建MSSQL仅复制备份,您只需在 BACKUP DATABASE 语句中使用 COPY_ONLY 参数。基本语法是: 仅复制完整备份: BACKUP DATABASEdatabasenameTO DISK = 'filepath\filename_Copy.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY; 仅复制日志备份: BACKUP LOGdatabasenameTO DI...
A copy-only backup is a SQL Server backup that is independent of the sequence of conventional SQL Server backups. Usually, taking a backup changes the database and affects how later backups are restored. However, occasionally, it is useful to take a backup for a special purpose without affe...
Can I set the option VSS_BACKUP_TYPE to VSS_BT_COPY in the DISKSHADOW command-line utility? Is there any other way to configure the SQL Server VSS Writer to create COPY_ONLY backups when manually creating a Volume Shadow Copy as I am doing? sql-server backup sql-server-2019 vss wind...
-- before you run the full database backup. USE master; GO ALTER DATABASE ReportServer SET RECOVERY FULL -- First back up the database without using the COPY_ONLY argument. -- This step is needed after you change the recovery model to full. ...
BACKUP LOG 仅支持常规日志备份(次要副本上的日志备份不支持 COPY_ONLY 选项)。 对于在任何副本(主副本或辅助副本)上进行的日志备份之间,确保一致的日志链,而与其可用性模式(同步提交或异步提交无关)。 若要备份辅助数据库,辅助副本必须能够与主副本进行通信,并且状态必须为 SYNCHRONIZED 或 SYNCHRONIZING。
--prepare Prepare a backup so you can start mysql server with your restore. --export Create files to import to another database after it has been prepared. --print-param Print the parameters of mysqld that you will need for a for copyback. ...
Applies to: SQL ServerSQL Server provides support for Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) by providing a writer (the SQL writer) so that a third-party backup application can use the VSS framework to back up database files. This paper describes the SQL writer component and its role in the...