Here is a link to an article that can help you to clean up properly: I have not tried it myself, but I learnt about it from a user who was in a similar situation as yours, and who was able to install SQL Server succe...
SQL Server builds intelligent, dynamic plans that make efficient use of distributed queries to access data from remote member tables:The Query Processor first uses OLE DB to retrieve the check constraint definitions from each member table. This allows the query processor to map the distribution of ...
这时候发现添加成功但是数据库的数据没有变化,那是因为数据存储到默认路径下的数据库中了,就是添加到的数据库和显示的数据库不是一个路径。为了方便,修改路径。 代码块 string dataDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); if (dataDir.EndsWith(@"\bin\Release\...
SQL Server builds intelligent, dynamic plans that make efficient use of distributed queries to access data from remote member tables:The Query Processor first uses OLE DB to retrieve the check constraint definitions from each member table. This allows the quer...
If you have an ARM processor, beware that SQL Server does not support ARM. The rest of the answer assumes that you have a regular x64 processor. My belief is that this is an error that occurs mainly in the situation when a user tried to install SQL Server and it failed with some ...
3. 将<platform>.<processor>.cab 文件从下面的目录复制到您的设备中: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\SmartDevices\SDK\SQL Server \Mobile\v3.0\platform\processor\ 1. 2. 4. 在设备上,单击该 .cab 文件即可安装查询分析器。
从上表可以看出,SQL Server Compact的安装包分为Engine, Merge Replication和Query Analyzer三部分功能,每部分功能又分Windows CE, Windows Mobile PocketPC和Windows Mobile Smartphone三种操作系统平台。因此armv4i目录下面会有9个.cab安装包。在很多情况下,只需要安装Engine就够了;如果你需要让SQL Server Compact支持RDA...
SQL Server query processorThe query processor compiles and executes SQL queries. If a SQL query includes a full-text search query, the query is sent to the Full-Text Engine, both during compilation and during execution. The query result is matched against the full-text index. ...
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Security Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Storage Engine Capacity Planning Tips Microsoft SQL Server Query Processor Internals and Architecture Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Query Processor Replication for Microsoft SQL Server Version 7.0 SAP R/3 Performance Tuning Guide for Microsoft SQL Serve...
因此armv4i目录下面会有9个.cab安装包。在很多情况下,只需要安装Engine就够了;如果你需要让SQL Server Compact支持RDA或Merge Replication数据同步功能,就要再安装Merge Replication组件;如果你想要在设备上直接使用查询分析器创建、打开、查询SQL Server Compact数据库,或者在设备上调试程序,那就要再安装Query Analyzer...