在SQL Server 中,标识符(例如表名、列名、数据库名等)默认是不区分大小写的,但是字符串常量是区分大小写的【仅支持英文版双引号("")】。 例如,以下查询是有效的: SELECT column1 FROM TableName WHERE column2 = 'Value'; 1. 在这里,column1、TableName和Value不区分大小写,但字符串'Value'区分大小写。 ...
简介:【SQL server】玩转SQL server数据库:第三章 关系数据库标准语言SQL(一)模式、表、索引与视图 📋前言 ⏰诗赋清音:墨激雷霆势,心随碧波飘。山河承豪情滔天,梦御风云志浩荡。 🎉欢迎大家关注🔍点赞👍收藏⭐️留言📝 🔔作者留言: 欢迎来到我的【SQL Server】魔法学堂!这里是探索数据库世界的秘...
ALTER TABLE <表名>[ ADD[COLUMN] <新列名> <数据类型> [ 完整性约束 ] ][ ADD <表级完整性约束>][ DROP [ COLUMN ] <列名> [CASCADE| RESTRICT] ][ DROP CONSTRAINT<完整性约束名>[ RESTRICT | CASCADE ] ][ALTER COLUMN <列名><数据类型> ] ;说明: <表名>是要修改的基本表 ADD子句用于增加...
--NOTICE: drop cascades to view IS_Student然后,用查询语句检测视图是否存在: SELECT * FROM IS_Student; 1. 提示信息: --ERROR: relation " IS_Student " does not exist删除成功啦! <- - -以上是标准SQL语句及其执行结果- - -> 注意!SQL Server中不支持CASCADE/RESTRICT关键字,所以删除只需输入: DROP...
You can substitute any of the following values: ALTER, DELETE, EXECUTE, INDEX, INSERT, READ, REFERENCES, SELECT, UPDATE. Note: Each privilege authorizes some operation. By revoking a privilege, you prevent the revokee from performing that operation. However, multiple users may grant the same...
alter_column_type_test.go alter_database.go alter_default_privileges.go alter_function.go alter_index.go alter_index_visible.go alter_primary_key.go alter_role.go alter_schema.go alter_sequence.go alter_table.go alter_table_locality.go alter_table_owner.go alter_table_set_...
The ALTER TABLE statement changes the description of a table at the current server.Invocation This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared only if DYNAMICRULES run behavior is implicitly or explicitly ...
模式本质上是一个名字空间,Oracle 里一般叫用户,SQL Server 中叫框架,MySQL 中叫数据库,模式里面包含表、数据类型、函数以及操作符,对象名称可以与在其他模式中存在的对象重名,访问某个模式中的对象时可以使用"模式名.对象名"。 创建模式 标准语句 postgres=# create schema tdsql_pg; ...
If you choose to implement declarative referential integrity, the SQL Server Upsizing Wizard creates SQL Server constraints using the ALTER TABLE command with the CONSTRAINT keyword.Trigger-Based Referential IntegrityIn the trigger-based method, referential integrity is enforced on SQL Server by Transact...
See "CREATE TABLE" and "ALTER TABLE". To create a referential integrity constraint, the parent table must be in your own schema, or you must have the REFERENCES privilege on the columns of the referenced key in the parent table. Keywords and Parameters ...