SQL Server Agent 的「警示」效能物件包含效能計數器,用來報告 SQL Server Agent 警示的詳細資訊。下表列出這個物件包含的計數器。 下表包含 SQLAgent:Alerts 計數器。 展開表格 名稱 描述 Activated alerts 這個計數器報告自從 SQL Server Agent 上次重新啟動後,SQL Server Agent 已啟動的警示總數。 Alerts ...
了解SQL Server 代理中的 Alerts 性能对象,该对象包含性能计数器,可报告有关 SQL Server 代理警报的信息。
Every alert must have a name. Alert names must be unique within the instance of SQL Server and can be no longer than128characters. Selecting an Event Type An alert responds to an event of a specific type. Alerts respond to the following event types: ...
サーバー・アラート(Server Alerts)メトリック このカテゴリのメトリックは、サーバーからのアラートの詳細を提供します。 デフォルトの収集間隔: 15分ごと 表1-52 サーバー・アラート(Server Alerts)メトリック メトリック説明 ID(キー列) システムで割り当てられた、一意の整数のID...
参考:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/sql/relational-databases/replication/monitor/programmatically-monitor-replication?view=sql-server-ver15 分发服务器上运行 【3.4】表:查看复制表监视 (1)MSDB select*frommsdb..MSagentparameterlist--代理配置参数列表select*frommsdb..MSagent_parameters--代理配置文件对于...
复制在 sysreplicationalerts 系统表中提供了有关警报的其他信息,从而使自动生成响应变得更容易,因为系统表中提供的信息已按自定义程序易于使用的格式进行了分析。例如,如果订阅服务器 A 上的 Sales.SalesOrderHeader 表中的数据未通过验证,SQL Server 可能会触发消息 20574,通知你未通过验证。 您收到的消息是:“订阅...
Because Project REAL team members were focused on preparing the environment for performance testing, no one had time to watch for system problems by regularly examining MOM Alerts. Occasionally, problems such as full volumes were not noticed until something stopped working. Although MOM periodically ...
6.Create alerts for your job by Giving alert name and also select the database.Also select the type of alert and severity of your alert 7.Specify the actions to be performed when the job completes or when job fails. Note :All the above steps can be performed by TSQL (with out the GU...
为要添加到READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST的每个副本指定有效的READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL。 如果要更改现有可用性组的可用性副本,则可以获取给定可用性组中的可用性副本的名称,从sys.availability_replicas中选择replica_server_name,并从sys.availability_groups获取名称。 有关详细信息,请参阅...
Because Project REAL team members were focused on preparing the environment for performance testing, no one had time to watch for system problems by regularly examining MOM Alerts. Occasionally, problems such as full volumes were not noticed until something stopped working. Although MOM periodically ...