RecordDate datetimeNULL-- 操作日期 ) END GO //新增字段前判断字段是否存在 IFNOTEXISTS (selectnamefromsyscolumnswhereid=object_id(N'tb_MessageHistory')ANDNAME='contentName') BEGIN ALTERTABLEtb_MessageHistory ADDcontentNameVARCHAR(100)NULL END GO //修改字段相关信息 altertabletb_MessageHistoryaltercol...
andOBJECTPROPERTY(id,'IsUserTable') = 1) createtablemytab ( idint, ageint, namevarchar(max), primarykey(id,age) ) go 二、列不存在则创建。 1 ifnotexists (select*fromsyscolumnswhereid=object_id('mytab')andname='columnname')altertable[mytab]addcolumnname nvarchar(max) 总结 以上就是这...
print 'Add['+@columnName+']column' EXEC ('ALTER TABLE ' + @tableName + ' ADD ' + @columnName + '' + @columnType + '' + @columnDefault) END IFEXISTS ( SELECT * FROM::fn_listextendedproperty('MS_Description', 'SCHEMA' --用户或用户定义类型 , N'dbo' --指定的 0 级对象类型的名...
alter table 表名 add [column] 新字段名 字段类型 [字段属性列表]; 修改字段(并可改名): alter table 表名 change [column] 旧字段名 新字段名 新字段类型 [新字段属性列表]; 修改字段(只改属性): alter table 表名 modify [column] 字段名 新字段类型 [新字段属性列表]; 删除字段: alter table 表名...
For each column of foo check if that column exists in foo_mod, if not, alter foo_mod in order to add the missing column. In this example my script will return the following: IF COL_LENGTH('foo_mod','bar') IS NULL BEGIN ALTER TABLE foo_mod ADD bar DATETIME NULLL; END ...
dict_surgeries ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS operation_grade_id int8 NULL; Software Information: JSqlParser version 4.7 Database (PostgreSQL ) Tips: Please write in English and avoid Screenshots (as we can't copy and paste content from it). Try your example online with the latest JSQLParser ...
我们知道,在Oracle中,不管你带不带默认值,删除字段就是alter table ... drop column ...,为什么到了SQL Server,有其他的讲究? 原来这个SQL Server的字段,不是普通定义的表字段,而是通过这几个操作定义的。 1. 创建一个默认值对象, 代码语言:javascript ...
IFNOTEXISTS(SELECT*FROMClockWHEREclockDate='08/10/2012'ANDuserName='test') Also, GETDATE() will put the current date in the column, though if you don't want the time you'll have to play a little. I think CONVERT(varchar(8), GETDATE(), 112) would give you just the date (not ti...
( )语句实现的A、CREATE B、REVOKE C 、 GRANT D、INSERT C 106 如下不能正确执行的语句是( ) * from table_name where 1>2 B 、 truncate table table_name C、delete from table_name where null=null D 、 alter table table_name add column idd int D 107 在“连接”组中有两种连接...
BEGIN TRANSACTION -- Add a customer for this test with the name 'CustomerB' DECLARE @NewCustomerID AS INT, @RC AS INT, @CustomerName AS NVARCHAR (40); SELECT @RC = 0, @NewCustomerID = 0, @CustomerName = N'Fictitious Customer'; IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [Sales].[Customer] WH...