SQL Server? 2012 Express 既包含 32 位版本,也包含 64 位版本。SQLEXPR32_x86 是一个较小的包,只能用于在 32 位操作系统上安装 SQL Server Express。SQLEXPR_x86 是相同的产品,但它同时支持在 32 位和 64 位 (WoW) 操作系统上进行安装。SQLEXPR_x64 是本机 64 位 SQL Server Express,仅支持在 64 ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express SP3 是功能丰富的免费 SQL Server 版本,适合于学习、开发和增强桌面、Web 以及小型服务器应用程序,也适合于通过 ISV 进行重新分发。SQL Server 2012 SP3 Express 版本包括完整的 SQL Server 2012 Management Studio SP3 版本,而不是 SQL Server 2012...
SQL Server 2012 Express спакетомобновления 1 (SP2) включаетполнуюверсию SQL Server 2012 Management Studio спакетомобновления 1 (SP2) вместо SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express. Полныйсписокп...
This package contains all the components of SQL Server Express including the full version of SQL Server 2014 Management Studio. This is a larger download than “with Tools,” as it also includes both Full-Text Search and Reporting Services. You will see two files one for the 32-bit system ...
DOWNLOAD SQL SERVER 2016 MANAGEMENT STUDIO (JUNE 2016 RELEASE) *The installer works for both 32-bit and 64-bit machines and installs Management studio as well as command-line tools needed to manage SQL Server. DOWNLOAD SQL SERVER 2014 EXPRESS ...
SQL Server 2014 Express with Advanced Services Advanced Services x64 Advanced Services x86 DOWNLOAD SQL SERVER 2012 EXPRESS You likely just want SQL Server 2012 Express with Tools. This download includes SQL Management Studio. SQL Server 2012 Express x64 ...
Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Express 是一个功能强大且可靠的免费数据管理系统,它为 lightweight 网站和桌面应用程序提供丰富和可靠的数据存储。 重要事项! 在下方选择语言会自动将整个页面内容更改为该语言。 选择语言 中文(简体)中文 (繁體)英语法语德语意大利语日语韩语葡萄牙语俄语西班牙语 ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2012是一款可以Wie用户提供一个云计算信息平台,是一个全面的数据管理和业务智能管理平台,对于很多企业用户来说是必要的一款工具!SQL2012版是一个可扩展的、高性能的、为分布式客户机/服务器计算所设计的数据库管理系统,可帮助企业对整个组织有突破性的深入了解,并且能够快速在内部和公共云端重部署...
Hi, you can download SQL Server 2012 Management Studio Express from here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29062 There are options for 32-bit and 64-bit, so grab the correct one based on your machine architecture. For future installs, you can save a step by down...
Download SQL Server 2012 Free. SQL Server 2012 is the free edition of the best database management platform available on the market, SQL Server. Download SQL Server 2012 Express for free. Microsoft offers a free version of SQL Server (possibly the best d