SELECT, p.customer,, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY p.customer ORDER BY DESC) AS ranks FROM PURCHASES p) SELECT s.* FROM summary s WHERE s.ranks = 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 所以给出通用方法: SELECT MIN(, -- change to MAX if you want...
SELECT TOP (1) PERCENT orderid, orderdate, custid, empidFROM Sales.OrdersORDER BY orderdate DESC;2 OFFSET-FETCH筛选TOP选项不是标准SQL,且不支持跳过功能,OFFSET-FETCH是标准SQL,SQL Server2012时引入。SELECT orderid, orderdate, custid, empidFROM Sales.OrdersORDER BY orderdate, orderidOFFSET 50 ROWS...
-- Captures the Total CPU time spent by a query along with the query plan and total executionsSELECTqs_cpu.total_worker_time /1000AStotal_cpu_time_ms, q.[text], p.query_plan, qs_cpu.execution_count, q.dbid, q.objectid, q.encryptedAStext_encryptedFROM(SELECTTOP500qs.plan_handle, q...
1)ORDER BY的字段可以不出现在SELECT语句中 2)SELECT语句中有DISTINCT的话,ORDER BY的字段必须在SELECT中,下面的语句错误 SELECTDISTINCTcountryFROMHR.EmployeesORDERBYempid; 4,TOP 语句 1)TOP可以指定PERCENT,返回所有记录的百分比 SELECTTOP(1)PERCENTorderid, orderdate, custid, empidFROMSales.OrdersORDERBYorder...
How to select top 1 from union? how to select top 1 record per group How to Send a Message from Stored Procedure to the application How to Send PDF file as an attachment with sp_send_dbmail? How to send SQL select output to a txt/csv file How to set a variable in an if exists...
SELECT id, title, body FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('SQL'); 上述SQL代码返回内容中与'SQL'相关的两条——第二条和第三条,'SQL'在这两条的标题和主体中都出现了2次。 Full Text Search - WHERE Clause 我们还可以在SELECT子句中使用MATCH() AGAINST(),以返回相关度(Relevance)的具...
1 AND rs.is_local = 1) DECLARE @userDB sysname; WHILE (SELECT COUNT([database_id]) FROM #tmpUserDBs WHERE [IsDone] = 0) > 0 BEGIN SELECT TOP 1 @userDB = DB_NAME([database_id]) FROM #tmpUserDBs WHERE [IsDone] = 0 -- PRINT 'Working on database ' + @userDB EXEC ('USE [...
大多数人会从SELECT开始,从上到下编写SQL查询。 但你知道SQL引擎执行函数时要到后面才执行SELECT吗?以下是 SQL 查询的执行顺序: FROM, JOIN WHERE GROUP BY HAVING SELECT DISTINCT ORDER BY LIMIT, OFFSET 再次考虑前面的示例: 因为我们想在计算平均GPA之前过滤掉选修课程...
GROUP BY P.ProductID, P.Name, P.Color, P.StandardCost, P.ListPrice ORDER BY sum(SOD.OrderQty) desc; GO EXEC usp_RSTest GO SELECT TOP 10 P.ProductID, P.Name, P.Color, P.StandardCost, P.ListPrice, sum(SOD.OrderQty) FROM Production.Product AS P JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail AS SOD...
grnzbra Programmer Mar 12, 2002 1,273 0 0 US I have a table in which people have more than one record (they tend to be duplicates) and need to select only one record for each person. This could be done with a cursor but I believe there is a way to phrase a SELECT statement t...