BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table. SELECT col1 FROM TestTable WITH (HOLDLOCK); 工作階段 2:SELECT 陳述式會在交易之下執行。 因為有 TABLOCKX 鎖定提示,所以交易會嘗試在資料表上取得獨佔 (X) 鎖定。 請記住,必須在資料分割區識別碼 0 開頭的所有資料分割...
BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table. SELECT col1 FROM TestTable WITH (HOLDLOCK); 工作階段 2:SELECT 陳述式會在交易之下執行。 因為有 TABLOCKX 鎖定提示,所以交易會嘗試在資料表上取得獨佔 (X)...
The SELECT statement retrieves rows from the database and enables the selection of rows or columns from tables in the SQL Server Database Engine.
BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table. SELECT col1 FROM TestTable WITH (HOLDLOCK); 会话2:事务启动,并且在此事务下运行的 SELECT 语句将获取共享锁 (S) 并将其保留在表中。 将获取所有分区的 S 锁,这将产生多个表锁,每个分区一个。 例如,在具有 16 个...
BEGIN TRANSACTION; -- This SELECT statement will acquire an IS lock on the table. SELECT col1 FROM TestTable WITH (HOLDLOCK); 会话2:事务启动,并且在此事务下运行的 SELECT 语句将获取共享锁 (S) 并将其保留在表中。 将获取所有分区的 S 锁,这将产生多个表锁,每个分区一个。 例如,在具有 16...
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) offers keyboard shortcuts. By default, it uses the SQL Server scheme, with keyboard shortcuts based on Visual Studio. To change the keyboard scheme or add more keyboard shortcuts, on theToolsmenu, selectOptions. Select the desired keyboard scheme on theEnviro...
For a comparison of the BULK INSERT statement, theINSERT ... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK...)statement, and thebcpcommand, seeBulk Import and Export of Data. For information about preparing data for bulk import, seePrepare Data for Bulk Export or Import. ...
partition_number must exist or the statement fails. WITH ( <single_partition_rebuild_index_option> ) SORT_IN_TEMPDB, MAXDOP, DATA_COMPRESSION, and XML_COMPRESSION are the options that can be specified when you rebuild a single partition using the (PARTITION = partition_number) syntax. XML ...
SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode; The most importantsql_modevalues are probably these: ANSI This mode changes syntax and behavior to conform more closely to standard SQL. STRICT_TRANS_TABLES If a value could not be inserted as given into a transactional table, abort the statement. For a non-transac...
SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET( BULK 'C:\DATA\inv-2017-01-19.csv', SINGLE_CLOB ) AS DATA; 从SQL Server 2017 (14.x) 开始,data_file 可位于 Azure Blob 存储中。 有关示例,请参阅Azure Blob 存储中批量访问数据的示例。 重要 Azure SQL 数据库仅支持从 Azure blob 存储读取内容。 BULK 错误处理选项...