方法一:使用PATINDEX和SUBSTRING函数 首先,可以使用PATINDEX函数找到字段中首个数字的位置,然后使用SUBSTRING函数提取该数字部分。 DECLARE@inputVARCHAR(100)='abc123def'-- 查找首个数字的位置DECLARE@firstDigitPositionINT=PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@input)-- 提取数字部分DECLARE@numbersOnlyVARCHAR(100)=SUBSTRING(@i...
在这个示例中,我们创建了一个名为dbo.ExtractNumbers的自定义函数。该函数接受一个字符串作为输入参数,并返回只包含数字字符的子字符串。 我们可以使用下面的代码来调用这个自定义函数: DECLARE@strVARCHAR(50)='abc123def456';SELECTdbo.ExtractNumbers(@str)ASNumbersOnly; 1. 2. 3. 输出结果为: NumbersOnly -...
Besides the table columns, you can use the following elements in the SELECT clause: Strings or Numbers Expressions SQL functions User-defined function. For example, the following query uses theSELECTstatement with a simple expression: SELECT1+1;Code language:SQL (Structured Query Language)(sql) Th...
How to SELECT * into a SQL table incremntally by date? How to select 2nd row from the table? How to select all columns except one column from a table ? How to select all fields from a table and only one field from another table with an inner join? how to select into local variabl...
SELECT LastName FROM [KAWLAPTOP\SQLEXPRESS2014].[AdventureWorks2012].[Person].[Person] to do a query. Luckily we typically write queries within the context of one database so we only need to specify the Schema and TableName as so:
declare @x xml set @x = '<PhoneNumbers> <Number>111-111-1111</Number> <Number>111-111-1111</Number> <Number>222-222-2222</Number> </PhoneNumbers>' -- 1st select select @x.query(' distinct-values( data(/PhoneNumbers/Number) ) ') as result ...
select number, number + 1, number + 999 from numbers(10); --- 0 1 999 1 2 1000 2 3 1001 3 4 1002 4 5 1003 5 6 1004 6 7 1005 7 8 1006 8 9 1007 9 10 1008.0 --- mysql 0 1 999 1 2 1000 2 3 1001 3 4 1002 4 ...
上述示例中,通过SELECT语句执行设置Name变量,并在后面使用${}的引用方式获得变量Name的值。示例中通过特殊变量DYNAMIC_PARAM_ENABLE控制这一功能,也可通过命令行参数--dynamic-param控制,如gsql -d postgres -p 25308 --dynamic-param -r。 说明: SQL执行失败时,不设置变量。 SQL执行结果为空,以列名设置变量,赋...
select*from customers order by countryASC, customernameDESC; 例:Query a list of CITY names from STATION with even ID numbers only. You may print the results in any order, but must exclude duplicates from your answer. select distinct city from station where(id%2)=0; ...
To use the UTF-8 collations that are available in SQL Server 2019 (15.x), and to improve searching and sorting of some Unicode characters (Windows collations only), you must select UTF-8 encoding-enabled collations (_UTF8).The UTF8 flag can be applied to: Linguistic collations that ...