Day - to-day monitoring and maintenance, problem investigation and resolution, SQL and database optimization and tuning, analyzing, and recommending patches, upgrades, and new technologies surrounding all aspects of data management using relational databases. Excellent working ski...
SQL developers design, implement, and maintain effective database management systems, so strong technical skills may be the core focus of your resume. An SQL developer's resume is part of a larger job application that may include a cover letter, transcripts, and a portfolio showcasing their ...
In database mirroring, as the principal server writes the principal database's log buffer to disk, it simultaneously sends that block of log records to the mirror instance.When the mirror server receives a block of log records, it places the log records first into the mirror database's log...
To resume re-encryption scan, disable Trace Flag 5004 and run ALTER DATABASE <database_name> SET ENCRYPTION ON.Scope: Global only. 6408 Enables visibility of the estimated execution plan to see the remote query plan of PolyBase pushdown computation.Applies to: SQL Server 2019 (15.x) and ...
Enables a database administrator to take the backup of Analysis Service Database to a file. Backup-SqlDatabase Backs up SQL Server database objects. Complete-SqlColumnMasterKeyRotation Completes the rotation of a column master key. Convert-UrnToPath Converts a SQL Server Management Object URN...
CREATE TYPE person_t AS OBJECT (name CHAR(20), resume CLOB, picture BLOB); Varray Type ExampleThe following statement creates MEMBERS_TYPE as a varray type with 100 elements: CREATE TYPE members_type AS VARRAY(100) OF CHAR(5); Nested Table Type Example...
...n ] ) ] ] } | DISABLE | REORGANIZE [ PARTITION = partition_number ] [ WITH ( <reorganize_option> ) ] | SET ( <set_index_option> [ , ...n ] ) | RESUME [ WITH (<resumable_index_option> [ , ...n ] ) ] | PAUSE | ABORT } [ ; ] <object> ::= { { database_nam...
New-AzSqlDatabase -DatabaseName <String> [-CollationName <String>] [-CatalogCollation <String>] [-MaxSizeBytes <Int64>] [-Edition <String>] [-RequestedServiceObjectiveName <String>] [-ElasticPoolName <String>] [-ReadScale <DatabaseReadScale>] [-Tags <Hashtable>] [-SampleName <String>...
Contact the database administrator to configure more memory for this instance of the Database Engine. 17131 16 Yes Server startup failed due to insufficient memory for descriptor hash tables. Reduce non-essential memory load or increase system memory. 17132 16 Yes Server startup f...
Using administrator permissions, open a command prompt. Start Windows PowerShell from the taskbar or Start menu. Import theSqlServermodule by enteringImport-Module SqlServer. Execute the following statements to enable both the TCP and named pipes protocols. Replace<computer_name>with the name of the...