重新提交指令。 如果錯誤繼續存在,則請移除節點目錄(在 sqllib 目錄下的 sqlnodir),並在網路上將節點名稱重新載入目錄。 sqlcode:-1038 sqlstate:58031 SQL1039C存取資料庫目錄時發生 I/O 錯誤。 說明 不能存取系統資料庫目錄或本端資料庫目錄。 不僅當系統編目資料庫、或取消編目資料庫時,而且當系統存取在該...
Action: Remove the TERMINATED BY option from the RAW field in the SQL*Loader control file. SQL*Loader-00262: PIECED keyword (on column string) allowed only when path is direct\n Cause: The PIECED keyword cannot be used in a conventional path load. Action: Remove the PIECED keyword or...
The first example removes a UNIQUE constraint from a table. The second example removes two constraints and a single column. SQL Copy CREATE TABLE dbo.doc_exc (column_a INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT my_constraint UNIQUE) ; GO -- Example 1. Remove a single constraint. ALTER TABLE dbo.doc_exc ...
Create a new database from existing mdf file. Create a percentage from two SUM values Create a query to remove last two characters of a string Create a view and change the data types of some variables Create a writable view in SQL DB create an index on just the date part of a datetime...
The UDT must support conversion to and from a string. To do this, the class needs two public methods defined in its interface. The first is a static method, Parse, which allows a string value to be converted into a UDT instance. Here is the function definition:...
For more information about the specific types of locking or row versioning controlled by each transaction isolation level, see SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL (Transact-SQL). Transaction isolation levels can be set using Transact-SQL or through a database API. Transact-SQL Transact-SQL scripts use ...
The specific name is &3. The reason code is &4: 8 -- 無法在包含 OFFSET 子句之查詢的選取清單中指定定義為 MODIFIES SQL DATA 的函數。 回復文字: 請從查詢中移除函數,或移除OFFSET子句。 SQLCODE 或 SQLCODE: -20267 SQLSTATE 或 SQLSTATE: 429BL...
For information specific to inserting data into SQL graph tables, see INSERT (SQL Graph).Best PracticesUse the @@ROWCOUNT function to return the number of inserted rows to the client application. For more information, see @@ROWCOUNT (Transact-SQL)....
The revised architecture of SQL Server 7.0 features an integrated event model, in which various subcomponents of SQL Server (the query processor, Open Data Services—ODS, log manager, lock manager, the error log, etc.) act as event producers, initiating events when specific activities occur. An...
To remove rows from a table, a partitioned table, a view's base table, or a view's partitioned base table. Prerequisites For you to delete rows from a table, the table must be in your own schema or you must have DELETE privilege on the table. ...