This option removes trailing spaces from a column. Use this option together with the -s option when preparing data that is to be exported to another application. Can't be used with the -y or -Y options.-y variable_length_type_display_width...
-- Remove any leading/trailing spaces from parameters SELECT @originating_server = UPPER(LTRIM(RTRIM(@originating_server))) -- Turn [nullable] empty string parameters into NULLs IF (@originating_server = N'') SELECT @originating_server = NULL -- Change server name to always reflect real serve...
The following example usesLTRIMto remove leading spaces from a character variable. SQLCopy DECLARE@string_to_trimVARCHAR(60);SET@string_to_trim =' Five spaces are at the beginning of this string.';SELECT@string_to_trimAS'Original string',LTRIM(@string_to_trim)AS'Without spaces'; GO ...
WHERE job_id IN (SELECT job_id FROM #temp_jobs_to_delete) 1. 1. -- Remove sysdbmaintplan_jobs references (legacy maintenance plans prior to SQL 2005) 1. DELETEFROMmsdb.dbo.sysdbmaintplan_jobs 1. WHERE job_id IN (SELECT job_id FROM #temp_jobs_to_delete) 1. 1. -- Finally, clean...
WHERE column_name IS NULL; Correcting inconsistent or invalid data:Inconsistent data can arise due to data entry errors. SQL provides string functions that can standardize and clean messy data. For example, you can use the TRIM function to remove leading and trailing spaces, the UPPER or LOWER...
[Sql server 2012] Change from vertical to horizontal table as dynamic @@FETCH_STATUS in nested loops @@ServerName returns wrong value in SQL SERVER 2008 ##TempTable and INSERT-SELECT FROM an existing Table with an IDENTITY column %rowtype equivalent in SQL server ++ operator in TSQL - bug ...
Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "BULK" for linked server Cannot find integration services in visual studio 2019. Cannot insert a variable in SSIS Package designer cannot insert into a row version column Cannot load script for execution Cannot map the lookup column, 'XXX', because the...
Don't run this command if you treat leading and trailing whitespaces in fields as part of the data. You can edit aligned CSV file in Vim column-edit mode (Ctrl+v). :RainbowShrink Remove leading and trailing whitespaces from all fields. Opposite to RainbowAlign ...
Column Encryption SettingN/AEnables or disablesAlways Encryptedfunctionality for the connection. Connect Timeout -or- Connection Timeout -or- Timeout15The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the server before terminating the attempt and generating an error. ...
Specifies insertion of a table column's default value, if any, instead ofNULLwhen the data record lacks a value for the column. For an example that uses this hint in anINSERT ... SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK...)statement, seeKeep nulls or default values during bulk import (SQL Server...