4.Top Selling Products Query: Create an SQL query to find the top 5 best-selling products based on the total quantity sold. 5.Inventory Management Query: Write an SQL query to identify products with low inventory levels (e.g., less than 10 units) that need to be restocked. 6.Customer ...
取得的產品集似乎與 Preferred10Products 相同;因此,確認 Preferred10Products 集合: with member [Measures].[PCT Discount] AS '[Measures].[Discount Amount]/[Measures].[Reseller Sales Amount]', FORMAT_STRING = 'Percent' set Top10SellingProducts as 'topcount([Product].[Model Name].children, 10, [...
此示例脚本执行简单的 TOP 10 查询,并基于简单的分析 T-SQL 查询创建视图。 新视图 SupplyChain.vProductsbySuppliers 将在本教程的后面部分使用。 SQL 复制 -- Show the top 10 selling items SELECT TOP 10 [P].[ProductID], [P].[Name], SUM([SOD].[OrderQty]) AS TotalQuantitySold FROM [Sales...
Advanced Sub Query Tasks Find the Products That Have a Price Higher Than the Average Price of All Products Identify products with a price greater than the average price across all products in the database. Rank the Customers Based on Their Total Amount of Sales Rank customers according to the ...
This query gives us all the rows in the book_sales table, and the rows are ordered in every book category, with the highest-selling book as row number 1. Now we need to filter only row number 1 rows to get the top-selling books in each category ...
“The Complete SQL Bootcamp:Go From Zero To Hero” is the best selling SQL training course on Udemy. The instructor of this SQL Bootcamp is Jose Portilla, one of thetop udemy instructors. This online SQL course is for everyone! The instructor assumes you have no prior knowledge of SQL wha...
Buy course 6.Advanced queries 0/17 Write some more advanced queries which combine SELECT, WHERE, different kinds of JOINs, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, set operators, and subqueries. Buy course Get theCertificateof Competency in SQL This certificate will confirm your practical SQL problem-solving...
Amazon Q is personalized to your conversation. Suppose you want to know what the top selling item was for storeable. You can ask this question “What was the unique identifier of the top selling item for the store ‘able’?” The results show the top selling item. However...
CREATE or replace VIEW fw_contract_balances_query_v AS SELECT SUM(s1_release.actual_applied_quantity) AS actual_applied, s1_contract_pricing_applied.actual_applied_quantity AS actual_applied_quantity, SUM(s1_release.allocated_quantity) AS allocated, s1_contract.alt_basis_price AS alt_basis_price...
What are the top 10 best-selling products by revenue? Show the sales revenue growth trend for the past 5 years. Create a table called [SalesTransactions] with columns [CustomerID], [ProductID], [OrderDate], [Quantity]Key capabilitiesThe supported capabilities of interacting through chat include...