The SQL query below shows a list of tables sorted by the largest tables first. For each table, the indexes in the table are shown. For each index it shows when the index was last used. The query is designed to collect various pieces of information in one place, and give...
U(Update)修改 修改表名:alter table 表名称 rename to 新表名称; 修改表的字符集:alter table 表名称 character set 字符集名称; 修改列名,数据类型: alter table 表名称 change 列名称 新列名称 新数据类型; alter table 表名称 modify 列名称 新数据类型; 删除列:alter table 表名称 drop 列名称; 添加列...
where TABLE_NAME='tableName' 1. 2. 3. There are different ways to get the schema. Using ADO.NET, you can use theschema methods. Use theDbConnection'sGetSchemamethodor theDataReader'sGetSchemaTablemethod. Provided that you have a reader for the for the query, you can do something like t...
Paste the following T-SQL code snippet into the query window: SQL USE[TutorialDB]-- Create a new table called 'Customers' in schema 'dbo'-- Drop the table if it already existsIFOBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers','U')ISNOTNULLDROPTABLEdbo.CustomersGO-- Create the table in the specified schemaCR...
在SQL Console中您可以通过SQL语句或可视化的方式查询或变更表结构。 前提条件 您有对应数据库的查询、修改等对应权限,详情可参见管理访问控制权限。 注意事项 变更表结构可能会对您的数据库与业务造成影响,需谨慎操作。 以查看test_table表结构举例。 使用SQL语句查询表结构 ...
OPENROWSET('provider_name', {'datasource';'user_id';'password'|'provider_string'} , { [ catalog. ] [ schema. ] object |'query'} ) OPENROWSET(BULK)语法用于读取外部文件: syntaxsql OPENROWSET(BULK'data_file', {FORMATFILE='format_file_path'[<bulk_options>] |SINGLE_BLOB|SINGLE_CLOB|SINGL...
Paste the following T-SQL code snippet into the query window: SQL USE[TutorialDB]-- Create a new table called 'Customers' in schema 'dbo'-- Drop the table if it already existsIFOBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers','U')ISNOTNULLDROPTABLEdbo.CustomersGO-- Create the table in the specified schema...
_number_expression ] TO target_table [ PARTITION target_partition_number_expression ] [ WITH ( <low_priority_lock_wait> ) ] | SET ( [ FILESTREAM_ON = { partition_scheme_name | filegroup | "default" | "NULL" } ] | SYSTEM_VERSIONING = { OFF | ON [ ( HISTORY_TABLE = schema_name ...
Paste the following T-SQL code snippet into the query window: SQL Copy USE [TutorialDB] -- Create a new table called 'Customers' in schema 'dbo' -- Drop the table if it already exists IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.Customers GO -- Create the tab...
Query OK,1row affected (0.00sec) mysql> show databases -> ; +---+ | Database | +---+ | information_schema | | mysql | | performance_schema | | school | | test | +---+5rowsinset(0.00sec) mysql> show create database school; +---+---+ | Database | Create Data...