= SQL_NO_DATA ) { if ( (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS) && (retcode != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) ) { printf("SQLMoreResults Failed\n\n"); Cleanup(); return(9); } } // Generate a long-running query. retcode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt1, (...
例如,在MySQL中,我们可以使用SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS命令来查看当前的锁等待情况,以及SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS LIKE '%deadlock%'命令来查看死锁日志。 在SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS的输出中,找到“TRANSACTIONS”部分,并查看其中的“LOCK WAIT”和“RUNNING”事务。特别是关注“LOCK WAIT”事务的“Waiting for thi...
例如,在MySQL中,我们可以使用SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS命令来查看当前的锁等待情况,以及SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS LIKE '%deadlock%'命令来查看死锁日志。 在SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS的输出中,找到“TRANSACTIONS”部分,并查看其中的“LOCK WAIT”和“RUNNING”事务。特别是关注“LOCK WAIT”事务的“Waiting for thi...
For example, queries containing SELECT *, NESTED FROMs and/or JOINs will automatically adjust the timeout limit to two (2) minutes as those queries put too much pressure on the server when left running for a long time. It is advised to avoid using these patterns in SQL for maximum ...
一定要设置locked process threshold,否则无办法捕获慢SQL语句,这个选项类似于MySQL的long_query_time参数 locked process threshold是SQL Server2005推出的一个选项,下面设置阻塞10秒就会记录 --窗口2--locked process threshold是SQL Server2005推出的一个选项--设置阻塞进程阈值sp_configure'show advanced options',1;...
通过show profile for query query_id语句可以查看到该SQL执行过程中每个线程的状态和消耗的时间: TIP : Sending data 状态表示MySQL线程开始访问数据行并把结果返回给客户端,而不仅仅是返回个客户端。由于在Sending data状态下,MySQL线程往往需要做大量的磁盘读取操作,所以经常是整各查询中耗时最长的状态。
long_query_time = 1 重启MySQL服务使更改生效。 分析慢查询日志: 使用mysqldumpslow工具来查看慢查询日志中最慢的查询。例如,查看最慢的10条查询并按执行时间排序: mysqldumpslow -s t -t 10 /var/log/mysql/slow.log 输出将显示类似以下的结果: Count: 10 Time=12.34s (123s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=100...
Convert string into datetime with timezone Convert String With Int's Comma Seperated Into Acutal Int's With Commas For Use IN Convert text from c# byte array to sql timestamp on sql script. convert the below stored procedure into query convert the string value to 2 decimal places in nvarchar...
RUNNING: Queries can be slow because they're running (executing) for a long time. In other words, these queries are actively using CPU resources. A query can be running for some time and waiting for some time in its lifetime (duration). However, your focus is to determine which is the...
SQL Monitoring - also known as Real-Time Monitoring - has become one of the most important tools in the field of database monitoring and tuning. Quickly and without effort you get an up-to-date and fast overview of certain - mostly long-running - operations. In contrast to AWR or ...