Question: Write a query to find the names of employees who earn more than the average salary in the company. Answer: SELECT employee_name FROM employees WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees); Explanation:The subquery (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees) calculates the average salary...
Hello friends, in this SQL hands-on tutorial, you’ll find 50 tricky SQL queries for practice with their answers. Practicing tricky SQL queries is like sharpening your tools for working with data. SQL skills matter because they help you handle and understand information in databases, something t...
即question_id/device_id select university, count(question_id) / count(distinct qpd.device_id) as avg_answer_cnt from question_practice_detail as qpd inner join user_profile as up on qpd.device_id=up.device_id group by university order by university ...
For SQL interview questions that ask you to talk about the advantages or disadvantages of a certain component or tool, ensure that you list as many as you can. Also, you can make your answer to such an SQL interview question meaty by adding personal anecdotes about some of the advantages o...
题目练习记录表practice_record(uid用户ID, question_id题目ID, submit_time提交时间, score得分): 请找到【昵称以『牛客』开头『号』结尾】、【成就值在1200~2500之间】,且【最近一次】【活跃(答题或作答试卷)在2021年9月】的用户信息。 由示例数据结果输出如下: ...
Question 32 : How to convert the System time in to seconds in oracle? Answer : To_char function is used to convert time to character and ssss will used to convert the time in to seconds. Following query is useful. SQL> select
Feel free to ask any kind of SQL-related question to help you during your exercises, learning, and training. You currently need to be logged in to use AI features. AI SQL Generator SQL Fiddle is now enhanced by an AI SQL query generator. You can now generate SQL queries for inserting ...
select date_format(submit_time, '%Y%m') as month, round((count(distinct uid, date_format(submit_time, '%y%m%d'))) / count(distinct uid), 2) as avg_active_days, count(distinct uid) as mau from exam_record where submit_time is not null and year(submit_time) = 2021 group by date...
I got a few requests for additional topics where one can read about the SQL Server query optimizer’s...Date: 04/22/2010Conor vs. Optional ParametersOne question I received at SQL Bits had to do with a reasonable programming practice that has an......
Answer:D) DELETE FROM table_name where condition Explanation: DELETE FROM table_name where condition command is used if you want to delete the row from a table. Discuss this Question 10. What will be the output of the below LIKE query?