2 How can I query only non-system databases in an Oracle connection? 0 Difference between dba_segments and dba_users when trying to identify list of schema in Oracle DB Related 1222 Get list of all tables in Oracle? 191 How do I list all tables in a schema in Oracle SQL? 0 query...
If you want to find the list of all SPs in all Databases you can use the below query : CREATE TABLE #ListOfSPs ( DBName varchar(100), [OBJECT_ID] INT, SPName varchar(100) ) EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'USE [?]; INSERT INTO #ListOfSPs Select ''?'', Object_Id, Name FROM sys.proce...
# Query_time: 91.511261 Lock_time: 0.000124 Rows_sent: 2050008 Rows_examined: 2150010 Thread_id: 19187 Errno: 0 Killed: 0 Bytes_received: 0 Bytes_sent: 58061725 Read_first: 2 Read_last: 0 Read_key: 2 Read_next: 0 Read_prev: 0 Read_rnd: 0 Read_rnd_next: 2150012 Sort_merge_passes...
UNION [ALL] selectstatement [UNION [ALL] selectstatement][…n]其中selectstatement为待联合的SELECT查询语句。 ALL选项表示将所有行合并到结果集合中。不指定该项时,被联合查询结果集合中的重复行将只保留一行。 联合查询时,查询结果的列标题为第一个查询语句的列标题。因此,要定义列标题必须在第一个查询语 ...
// union the two tables Table result = tEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tableA + " WHERE amount > 2 UNION ALL " + "SELECT * FROM OrderB WHERE amount < 2"); tEnv.toAppendStream(result, Order.class).print(); env.execute(); } ...
I'm trying to get all tables in a database, with their column definitions and foreign keys, and primary keys on their own row for each table group. Given the following tables createdatabase test; use test;CREATETABLEauthors ( idintNOTNULLAUTO_INCREMENT, ...
function mysqlQuery() { return new Promise((resolve) => { connection.query("SHOW TABLES"...
2.5. information_schema.tables 2.5.1. mysql -> SELECT table_name, table_type -> FROM information_schema.tables -> WHERE table_schema = 'sakila' -> ORDER BY 1; 2.5.2. 包含了数据表和视图 2.6. information_schema.views 2.6.1. mysql ...
对于流式处理查询,与常规联接相比,间隔联接 interval join仅支持具有时间属性的仅追加表append-only tables。由于时间属性是准单调递增的,Flink 可以从其状态中删除旧值,而不会影响结果的正确性。 3、Temporal Joins 时态表是随时间演变的表,在 Flink 中也称为动态表。时态表中的行与一个或多个时态周期相关联,并...