DECLARE@LastNameName='Frintu'SELECTFirstName, LastNameFROMPerson.PersonWHERELastName = @LastNameOPTION(OPTIMIZEFOR(@LastName ='Wood')) 使用优化未知查询提示,使用密度向量平均值覆盖实际参数值。 也可以通过捕获本地变量中的传入参数值,然后使用谓词中的本地变量而不是使用参数本身来执行此操作。 对于此修复...
query_hash,query_plan_hash) AS ( SELECT sess.session_id, req.request_id, LEFT (ISNULL (req.wait_type, ''), 50) AS 'wait_type' , LEFT (ISNULL (req.wait_resource, ''), 40) AS 'wait_resource', LEFT (req.last_wait_type, 50) AS 'last_wait_type' , sess.is_user_process, ...
system_end_time_column_name ) | DROP [ { [ CONSTRAINT ][ IF EXISTS ] { constraint_name [ WITH ( <drop_clustered_constraint_option> [ ,...n ] ) ] } [ ,...n ] | COLUMN [ IF EXISTS ] { column_name } [ ,...n ] | PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME } [ ,...n ] | [ WITH { ...
401acquireTokenServer responded 401 for the request. Make sure the client ID and secret are correct, and the credential string is a concatenation of AAD client ID and secret without hyphens. 404getKeyByNameThe server responded 404, because the key name was not found. ...
SELECTtable_name = schema_name(o.schema_id) +'.'+ , wt.wait_duration_ms, wt.wait_type, wt.blocking_session_id, wt.resource_description , tm.resource_type, tm.request_status, tm.request_mode, tm.request_session_idFROMsys.dm_tran_locksAStmINNERJOINsys.dm_os_waiting_tasksaswtO...
Use the ALTER DATABASE statement to enable the Query Store for a given database. For example:SQL Copy ALTER DATABASE <database_name> SET QUERY_STORE = ON (OPERATION_MODE = READ_WRITE); Options to configure the Query Store in Fabric SQL database with ALTER DATABASE are currently limited...
To display data in a useful format, you can use a GROUP BY function with SQL Profiler to separate data into groups by, for example, application name, NT user name, SQL Server user name, or ConnectionID. In contrast, SQL Trace lets you trace only by individual connection, which SQL Trace...
The Project page of the wizard specifies the migration project for this migration. A migration project is a container for migration objects. Name: Name to be associated with this migration project. Description: Optional descriptive comments about the project. Output Directory: The directory or folder...
任何欲更新的直欄,必須是游標宣告的 FOR UPDATE 子句中識別的直欄。 無法處理該陳述式。 使用者回應 請更正應用程式。如果需要更新直欄,請在游標宣告的 FOR UPDATE 子句中新增該直欄名稱。 sqlcode:-503 sqlstate:42912SQL0504N 尚未定義游標 name。 解說 雖然指定了 UPDATE 或 DELETE WHERE CURRENT OF name,...