Following are some very important Complex SQL Queries Examples with answers. I have tried to explain each and every query in detail so that everyone will get idea of how it is executed step-by-step. In SQL and PL SQL interviews we require to know the key and important complex sql queries...
INSERT Query in SQL - Master the Basics WHERE Clause in SQL UPDATE Query in SQL: SQL UPDATE Statement DELETE Query and TRUNCATE Function in SQL LIKE and BETWEEN Operators in SQL SQL BETWEEN Operator(With Syntax and Examples) How to Use the SQL EXISTS to Check for the Existence of Data?
3 answers Azure Resource Graph Explorer - Retrieving DTU Percentage I am trying to use Azure Resource Graph Explorer to obtain a list of databases along with their DTU percentage. However, my query returns NULL for the DTU_percentage column. Is it possible to retrieve this information? Thanks ...
3 answers Is there a roadmap for Analysis Services Linked Servers in Azure SQL Managed Instance? My clients rely heavily on being able to query an Analysis Services Linked Server in SQL Server Enterprise. I'm aware this is not currently possible in SQL MI, which means I can't consider...
3 answers Azure Resource Graph Explorer - Retrieving DTU Percentage I am trying to use Azure Resource Graph Explorer to obtain a list of databases along with their DTU percentage. However, my query returns NULL for the DTU_percentage column. Is it possible to retrieve this information? Thanks ...
4 answers tsql sum amount recursively without recursive cte Hi, I need help creating recursive query to sum up Amounts of all ChildIDs for parent ID=1 node. Table definition and data below. This is for SQL serverless where Recursive CTE is not supported. So left join would do, The table...
The revised architecture of SQL Server 7.0 features an integrated event model, in which various subcomponents of SQL Server (the query processor, Open Data Services—ODS, log manager, lock manager, the error log, etc.) act as event producers, initiating events when specific activities occur. An...
1 What is the default join in SQL? Give an example query? 1 Describe all the joins with examples in SQL? 1 What is Union and Union All ? Explain the differences? SQL ServerWhat is a database?A database is described as an organized way of collection of DATA. It is the collection...
Are you rating it high due to having good examples, excellent screen shots, clear writing, or another reason? Are you rating it low due to poor examples, fuzzy screen shots, or unclear writing? This feedback will help us improve the quality of white papers we release. ...
This PL SQL tutorial introduces PL/SQL with its features, basic syntax with examples. Learn to set up PL/SQL Environment step by step.