We’ll useinformation_schema.tablesto get all the tables inside a schemavendor_a, and then we’ll loop through each table and execute a drop statement if the table exists in the database. 3.1. PostgreSQL In PostgreSQL, we can write a PL/pgSQL script to drop all the tables inside a sc...
DROP DATABASE drops all tablesinthe database and deletes the database. Be very careful withthisstatement!To use DROP DATABASE, you need the DROP privilege on the database. DROP SCHEMAisa synonymforDROP DATABASE.*Important*: When a databaseisdropped, user privileges on the database are not...
SQL分类1) DDL(Data Definition Language)数据定义语言 用来定义数据库对象:数据库,表,列等。关键字:create, drop,alter 等 2) DML(Data Manipulation Language)数据操作语言 用来对数据库中表的数据进行增删改。关键字:insert, delete, update 等 3) DQL(Data Query Language)数据查询语言 用来查询数据库中表的...
DROP DATABASE database_name; In the above query, -database_name - is the name of the database to be dropped DROP DATABASE Example: If you want to drop database MyDatabase, the statement would be like DROP DATABASE MyDatabase ; DROP STATEMENT CAUTION DROP is a powerful statement. A ...
droptablec go createtablec(idintidentity(1,1),caint,cbint) insertintoc select1,2unionall select1,3 先来看看第一种需求:只要数据库中表是空的。 这个其实并不难,用一个游标循环得出所有表名,再清除所有表,delete或truncate table 提供几个语句:以下语句均在SQL2000/SQL2005/SQL2008下使用通过。
DMLQueryReturnsOutputToClient DML 查询将输出返回到客户端,并且不可并行化。 MixedSerialAndParallelOnlineIndexBuildNotSupported 单个联机索引生成的串行和并行计划组合不受支持。 CouldNotGenerateValidParallelPlan 验证并行计划失败,故障回复到串行计划。 NoParallelForMemoryOptimizedTables 引用的内存中 OLTP 表不支持并行...
Delete data from all tables in a schema Delete data in Excel using Openrowset? Delete from Where Exists DELETE From with sub query delete large number of rows without growing the transaction log Delete Query is Performing too slow with around 6 million records to delete DELETE RECORDS FROM VIEW...
Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to remove databases usingSQL DROP DATABASEstatement. SQL providesDROP DATABASEstatement to allow you to remove existing databases. The SQLDROP DATABASEstatement deletes all tables, views, triggers, and other related objects inside a database, and al...
In the database dropdown list, select the database that you want, as shown here: Paste the following T-SQL code snippet into the query window: SQL USE[TutorialDB]-- Create a new table called 'Customers' in schema 'dbo'-- Drop the table if it already existsIFOBJECT_ID('dbo.Customers...
DROP QUERY Test.BonusCalc FROM Employees.queryBonusCalc:drops the query Employees.BonusCalc(). 如果指定的查询不存在,DROP QUERY将生成SQLCODE-362错误。如果指定的类不存在,DROP QUERY将生成SQLCODE-360错误。如果指定的查询可以引用两个或多个查询,DROP QUERY将生成SQLCODE-361错误;必须指定一个类名来解决此歧义...