We extracted the currentdateand the currenttimeseparately from thecurrent_timestampSQL function… Note 1: Do you have any alternative solution to get the results above? Exactly — using this query:SELECT current_date AS my_date, current_time AS my_time;would result in the exact same output. ...
使用DATE()、TIME() 函数分别将 '2021-03-25 16:16:30' 这组数据中的日期于时间提取出来,并用 date 、time 作为结果集列名。 SELECT DATE('2021-03-25 16:16:30') AS `date`,TIME('2021-03-25 16:16:30') AS `time`; +---+---+ | date | time | +---+---+ | 2021-03-25 | 16...
You can use the date and time functions to query an SQL database for records related to a specific date and time. For example, you can use the CURDATE() function in MySQL to get data with a date field value equal to the current date....
👇我们可以通过下面的示例来感受一下 DATE () 、TIME () 的用法 使用DATE()、TIME() 函数分别将 '2021-03-25 16:16:30' 这组数据中的日期于时间提取出来,并用 date 、time 作为结果集列名。 SELECTDATE('2021-03-25 16:16:30')AS`date`,TIME('2021-03-25 16:16:30')AS`time`; +---+---...
current_date -> dateReturns the current date as of the start of the query. current_time -> time with time zoneReturns the current time as of the start of the query. current_timestamp -> timestamp with time zoneReturns the current timestamp as of the start of the query. ...
PL/SQL是一种过程化编程语言,专门用于Oracle数据库管理系统。它结合了SQL语句和常规编程语言的功能,使得开发人员可以创建存储过程、触发器、函数和包等数据库对象。 要在PL/SQL中自动获取...
本文主要讲述在SQL Server 2005中Query(查询)Date Time(日期时间)会遇到的问题。 Section 1 - Problem 现在打算select FundHouse table中LastUpdateDate column中date为2008-5-21的records。 在SQL Server 2005中open FundHouse这个table可以看到在LastUpdateDate column下有以下值: ...
⭐ CURRENT_DATE ⭐ CURRENT_TIME ⭐ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ⭐ CURRENT_ROW_TIMESTAMP() ⭐ NOW() ⭐ PROCTIME():其中 PROCTIME() 在 1.13 版本及之后版本,返回值类型是 TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) 在Flink SQL client 中执行结果如下: 代码语言:javascript ...
AND dtTimeStamp <= GETDATE() >>The final thing that I would need from this data is to pull up data from the previous hour block of the current hour if at all possible. So if the current hour is in the 12:00:00.000 range then I would need data >>from the 11:00:00.000 ...
⭐ CURRENT_DATE ⭐ CURRENT_TIME ⭐ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ⭐ CURRENT_ROW_TIMESTAMP() ⭐ NOW() ⭐ PROCTIME():其中 PROCTIME() 在 1.13 版本及之后版本,返回值类型是 TIMESTAMP_LTZ(3) 在Flink SQL client 中执行结果如下: Flink SQL> SET sql-client.execution.result-mode=tableau; ...