current_catalog 函式 current_database 函式 current_date 函式 current_metastore 函式 current_recipient 函式 current_schema 函式 current_timestamp 函式 current_timezone 函式 current_user 函式 current_version 函式 date 函式 date_add 函式 date_add (days) 函式 date_diff 函式 date_format 函式...
resets the current log sequence number to 1 and discards any redo information that was not applied during recovery, ensuring that it will never be applied. This effectively discards all changes that are in the redo log, but not in the database. You must use this clause to open the databas...
CurrentDate 38 CurrentTime 39 CurrentTimestamp 40 CurrentUser 41 Cursor 42 Database 43 Dbcc 44 Deallocate 45 Declare 46 Default 47 Delete 48 Deny 49 Desc 50 Distinct 51 Distributed 52 Double 53 Drop 54 Else 55 End 56 Errlvl 57 Escape 58 Except 59 Exec 60...
Current Date minus one year Current month and Previous Month Current Month vs Previous Month within single stored procedure Current Timestamp shows wrong time CURRENT WEEK SQL QUERY Cursor already exists Cursor vs Batch CURSOR vs. CTE Cursor with input-parameter Cursorfetch: The number of variables...
型) CURRENT_TIME 保留 保留 保留 CURRENT_TIMESTAM 保留 保留 保留 P CURRENT_USER 保留 保留 保留 CURSOR 非保留 保留 保留 CURSOR_NAME - 非保留 非保留 CYCLE 非保留 保留 - DATA 非保留 保留 非保留 DATE_FORMAT 非保留 - - DATABASE 非保留 - - ...
Current date minus 365 daqys Current week as default week in the SSRS report Current Year expression in SSRS 2008 custom code function error [BC30451] 'Test' is not declared. it may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Custom CSS for SSRS 2016 Reporting Portal Custom Date Format Cus...
Returns in the specified position the local currency symbol (the current value of theNLS_CURRENCYparameter). MI 9999MI Returns negative value with a trailing minus sign (-). Returns positive value with a trailing blank. Restriction:The MI format element can appear only in the last position of...
Date and Time Literals Hexadecimal Literals Bit-Value Literals Boolean Literals NULL Values String Literals String Literals 是一个 bytes 或者 characters 的序列,两端被单引号'或者双引号"包围,TDSQL MySQL版 目前不支持 ANSI_QUOTES SQL MODE,双引号"包围的始终认为是 String Literals,而不是 identifier。
73. Write a query to calculate the year-to-date (YTD) sales for each product up to the current date in the sales_fact table. SELECT product_id, SUM(sale_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY sale_date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS ytd_sales FROM sales...
81ab80a - mysql: str_to_date for datetime (PR #2473 by @barakalon) a1252d8 - teradata: add eq, minus abbreviations fixes #2474 (commit by @GeorgeSittas) e6f31d6 - snowflake: don't add time format in TO_TIMESTAMP if not supplied (PR #2475 by @GeorgeSittas) 2307910 - optimizer...