Using JOINS can reduce data usage and storage on the database. Here you can use one JOIN query instead of multiple queries. So you can use a large database to search, filter, organize, and more. 31. State the difference between the RIGHT JOIN and the LEFT JOIN. Both RIGHT JOIN and ...
What are the different types of joins in SQL? The join keyword queries entries from multiple tables. It is used with different keys to find these entries and is conscious on the link between fields. Inner Join: Returns rows which are common between the tables Right Join: Returns rows of th...
There are four different types of JOINs in SQL: (INNER) JOIN: Retrieves records that have matching values in both tables involved in the join. This is the widely used join for queries. SELECT * FROM Table_A JOIN Table_B; SELECT * FROM Table_A INNER JOIN Table_B; LEFT (OUTER) JOIN...
As a note, all the queries listed in the examples below are written in Microsoft SQL Server.Common SQL Interview Questions What are the set operators in SQL? What is cross join in SQL? How to fetch alternate records from the table. What is the difference between the RANK() and DENSE_...
Tricky SQL Queries Interview Questions We’ll provide you with a set of tricky SQL queries along with some demo tables. Please note that the complexity of these queries may vary, and they are designed to test various aspects of SQL knowledge. Before running these queries, make sure to create...
This is one of the tricky SQL Interview Questions. Interviewer may ask you this question in another way as what are the advantages of Union All over Union. Both Union and Union All concatenate the result of two tables but the way these two queries handle duplicates are different. ...
18. What is a join and explain different types of joins Joins are used in queries to explain how different tables are related. Joins also let you select data from a table depending upon data from another table. Types of joins: INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs, CROSS JOINs.OUTER JOINs are further...
Here, we share the basic and advanced SQL queries asked in interview questions. Our tutorials explain the SQL syntax and commands in a super easy way.
SQL Interview Questions and answers on Stored Procedures and Triggers What is a stored procedure? Stored Procedure is a function which contain collection of SQL Queries. Procedure can take inputs , process them and send back output. SQL INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ...
A critical skill, and a frequently asked interview question, JOINS help you get a lot of work done with complex databases. Having the ability to manipulate JOIN queries with precision will give you an added advantage. There are 4 major JIONS to combine data or rows from two or more ...