procedure-namespecifies the name of the procedure. [OR REPLACE] option allows the modification of an existing procedure. The optional parameter list contains name, mode and types of the parameters.INrepresents the value that will be passed from outside and OUT represents the parameter that will ...
PL/SQL procedure header A procedure begins with a header that specifies its name and an optional parameter list. Each parameter can be in eitherIN,OUT, orINOUTmode. The parameter mode specifies whether a parameter can be read from or written to. ...
Concatenated Stored Procedure parameter value concatenating in the string and passing parameters with sp_executesql Concatenating inside EXEC Condition query to parameter only if parameter has "usable" value? CONDITIONAL failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'ANSI_PADDING'. V ...
注意,DB2是强类型的,CALL语句中的参数类型需要与调用存储过程的CREATE PROCEDURE语句中的参数兼容。CALL语句中的第n个参数对应于定义过程的CREATE PROCEDURE语句中定义的第n个参数。 清单7 演示了这种关系: 清单7. CALL语句与 CREATE PROCEDURE语句的相互关系 CREATE PROCEDURE NESTA (p1 int, p2 char(10), OUT p3...
CREATE { PROC | PROCEDURE } [schema_name.] procedure_name [ ;number ] [ { @parameter [ type_schema_name. ] data_type } [ VARYING ] [ =default ] [ OUT | OUTPUT ] [READONLY] ] [ ,...n ] [ WITH <procedure_option> [ ,...n ] ] ...
If the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is *LIBL, the procedure will be created in the current library (*CURLIB). Otherwise, the procedure will be created in the current schema. The schema-name cannot be QSYS2, QSYS, QTEMP, or SYSIBM. (parameter-declaration,...) Specifies ...
CREATE [ OR ALTER ] { PROC | PROCEDURE } [ schema_name.] procedure_name [ { @parameter data_type } [ OUT | OUTPUT ] ] [ ,...n ] AS { [ BEGIN ] sql_statement [;][ ,...n ] [ END ] } [;] ArgumenteOR ALTERGilt für: Azure SQL-Datenbank, SQL Server (ab SQL Server 20...
RunNotebookGetStatusOptionalParams RunNotebookGetStatusResponse RunNotebookParameter RunNotebookRequest RunNotebookResponse RunNotebookResult RunNotebookSnapshot RunNotebookSnapshotResponse RunNotebookSnapshotResult RunNotebookSparkSessionOptions RunQueryFilter RunQueryFilterOperand RunQueryFilterOperator RunQueryOr...
IN - is optional, by default it is a IN type parameter. 2)OUT Parameter: The OUT parameters are used to send the OUTPUT from a procedure or a function. This is a write-only parameter i.e, we cannot pass values to OUT paramters while executing the stored procedure, but we can assign...
: WorkspaceManagedSqlServerDedicatedSQLMinimalTlsSettingsUpdateOptionalParams): Promise<DedicatedSQLminimalTlsSettings> 参数 resourceGroupName string 资源组的名称。 此名称不区分大小写。 workspaceName string 工作区的名称。 dedicatedSQLminimalTlsSettingsName string 专用sql 最小 tls 设置的名称。 parame...