In the standard version of both SQL Practice Problems and More SQL Practice Problems, most questions have numerous hints that you can use to move forward in solving the practice problem. They’re very useful if you’re completely stuck on a problem. However, based on numerous requests from re...
So, the primary key and clustered index are different objects of the SQL Server but as a best SQL practice, we commonly use them together. What is the result set of the following query? During the technical interview, we can face some query reading questions to understand our SQL query ...
When you have completed the free practice test, click 'View Results' to see your results. Good luck! Answered 0 of 15 questions 00:02 Hide timer 1.Microsoft and ___ released version 1.0 of SQL Server in 1989. Sybase SAP Azure Oracle Watch this answer This question is covered in Micros...
It is only possible if you practice a lot and become an expert. There are many websites and portals to practice SQL for free or for a small fee. Let’s dive into what SQL is, basic skills, career opportunities, and websites where you can practice SQL. About SQL and Databases SQLstand...
Schemas, Questions & Solutions for SQL Exercising Introduction The schemas and questions are [1] from WikibookSQL Exercises[]. Solutions are from both this Wikibook and me (exercise 1-8). I also added some questions by myself. ...
Learn how to answer business questions with SQL Habit: practical SQL course for Product Managers, Marketers, Designers, Software Engineers, CEO and more. SQL Habit is a set of hundreds of bite-sized exercises which could be applied in real job right away
Click Here to get 20 Interview Questions for Tech Mahindra…. to write sql query for the below scenario I/p:ORACLE O/p: O R A C L E i.e, splitting into multiple columns a string using sql. Answer: Select Substr(‘ORACLE’,Level,1) From Dual ...
Real-life scenarios: Practice answering real-world SQL interview questions and be prepared to explain how you would approach solving a specific problem. Many third-party websites available to practice such skills like Leetcode, Hackerrank et cetera. Understand Database Engine: If the company you ar...
Often a program can be created in many ways, and code, in general, can be organized in several ways. Good practice implies you will choose the version that will be easiest to read and understand and will be the one that does not hinder your colleagues from updating it when necessary. The...
Allowing the query optimizer to determine which indexes, if any, to use in the query execution plan is the recommended best practice. Using the NOEXPAND View Hint When SQL Server processes queries that refer to views by name, the definitions of the views normally are expanded until they refer...