针对您遇到的“ORA-01031: insufficient privileges”错误,这通常意味着您尝试以当前数据库用户身份执行的操作需要更高的权限,但当前用户并未被授予这些权限。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 确认用户具有正确的登录凭证: 确保您使用的用户名和密码是正确的。 如果使用的是Oracle SQL*Plus或其他数据库工具,检查连接字符...
在搭建新的Oracle数据库环境后,使用SQL*PLUS工具尝试进行本地登录时,可能会遇到权限不足的问题。错误信息为“ora-01031: insufficient privileges”,这表示当前用户没有足够的权限来完成登录操作。在本文中,我们将详细探讨解决该问题的步骤和方法。需要确认的是,使用SQL*PLUS工具登录Oracle数据库是被允许的。问题可能出...
Cause: An AUTOTRACE command was issued by a user with insufficient privileges, or who did not have a PLAN_TABLE. Action: Make sure the user has been granted the PLUSTRACE role, and that a PLAN_TABLE has been created for the user. SP2-0614 Server version too low for this feature Cause...
grant select on people_tbl to ron * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01749: you may not GRANT/REVOKE privileges to/from yourself SQL> 输入: SQL> grant select on demo.employee to ron; 输出: grant select on demo.employee to ron * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> 这个错误...
Cause: An AUTOTRACE command was issued by a user with insufficient privileges, or who did not have a PLAN_TABLE. Action: Make sure the user has been granted the PLUSTRACE role, and that a PLAN_TABLE has been created for the user. SP2-0614 Server version too low for this feature Caus...
ORA-01031:insufficientprivileges Enteruser-name: ERROR: ORA-01017:invalidusername/password;logondenied Enteruser-name: ERROR: ORA-01017:invalidusername/password;logondenied SP2-0157:unabletoCONNECTtoORACLEafter3attempts,exitingSQL*Plus ###这里我们通过改SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES=(NTS)用os认证登录数据...
在用imp命令加载数据前,先在客户端用sql*plus登录system DBA用户,执行下列SQL语句进行当前ORACLE数据库字符集修改:SQL >; create database character set US7ASCII * create database character set US7ASCII ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ...
"The following privileges are necessary to use the Tuning Lab. Use the Server object installation wizard or a script has been provided in the path listed below. This script must be run in SQL *Plus with a logon that has a DBA role. Once the role has been created all non-DB...
SQL Plus 2)用sys或system等管理员账号登陆 3 ORACLE 常见错误整理 1、oracle本地免密登录报错: 错误代码:ORA-01031:insufficient privileges 解决方案:(首先确认oracle相关各服务是否均正常启动) 修改sqlnet.ora文件中的SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES参数值为(NTS)...
对于较高版本 Oracle(如 12c 及更高版本),您还可以利用内置的数据库 PL/SQL 包 **DBMS_SQL_PLUS** 检查 SQL 版本。具体操作细节,请参阅 Oracle 文档。 总结一下,要确认数据库是否是 Oracle 数据库以及 SQL 版本,请确保您的配置符合 Oracle 官方网站的建议,使用相应的工具和技术。此外,密切关注版本兼...