(3)执行ALTER USER DBSNMP ACCOUNT UNLOCK; (4) 从新用SQL/PLUS登录,设置用户名、密码; 令附图表一张:Oracle 10g 默认用户名/密码
1、连接:conn[ect] [username]/[password] [@hoststring] 以特权用户身份连接:后面加as sysdba或者as sysoper conn[ect] [username]/[password] [@hoststring] as sysdba 2、断开:只是断开与数据库的连接,不退出SQL *PLUS disc[onnect] 三、修改用户口令 passw[ord] 用于修改自身的口令,如果要修改其它用户口...
SQL> connect <username>@<database_ip>/<servicename> Enter password: --此处手动输入密码 通过sqlplus交互界面查看环境变量 --show all可以查看所有的变量及其对应的值 SQL> show all; appinfo is OFF and set to "SQL*Plus" arraysize 15 autocommit OFF ...
Enter yourusernameand press Return. SQL*Plus displays the prompt "Enter password:". Enter your passwordand press Return again. For your protection, your password does not appear on the screen. The process of entering your username and password is called logging in. SQL*Plus displays the version...
1.开启SQL*Plus,但不连接到数据库 $ sqlplus /NOLOG 2.连接到数据库 CONN[ECT] [logon] [AS {SYSOPER | SYSDBA}] 其中logon为 {username[/passwd] | /}[@connect_identifier] [edition={edition_name | DATABASE_DEFAULT}] 说明: /:用于连接请求的外部认证,这种验证类型不需要数据库密码。最常见的外部...
To log into SQL *Plus from a Linux environment Right-click on yourLinuxdesktop and select the terminal. Enter the command sqlplus as shown in the picture. Enter your user name, password and database name. In syntax: usernameyour database user name ...
on:没输出一页都暂停,enter键继续 text:提示文本,在设置on之后,在设置text值,如setpause aaa,则每次暂停时,先显示这段文本;设置为off时,无效 numformat numformat用来显示数值的默认格式,该格式是数值格式 setnumformat format sqlplus中默认10个字符宽度和常规格式来显示数字 ...
If you are connecting to a remote Oracle database, enter the SQL*Net connect string. Click OK. The SQL*Plus application window appears. Using the SQL*Plus Application WindowSQL*Plus displays the SQL prompt in the application window. ...
setpauseon;setpause'按<enter>健继续';selectuser_id,username,account_statusfromdba_users; 2.2.5 NUMFORMAT变量 该变量用来设置显示数值的格式 set numformat format format为数值掩码,常用掩码说明如下: select ename,job,sal from scott.emp; 例子 使用$999,999,999.00格式显示scott.emp表中的雇员工资,代码如...
用下面命令显式登录到SQL*PLUS:$sqlplususername/password或$SQLPLUSusername/password@connect_string用下面命令隐式登录到SQL*PLUS:$sqlplus[enter]Enterusername:scottEnterpassword:***登录到SQL*PLUS 可以用下面命令登录到SQL*PLUS,SQL*PLUS命令的简单语法如下:SQLPLUS[[logon]|[start]]logon可以是:{username[/pass...