parameterList.AddRange(parameters); }for(inti =0; i < valArr.Length; i++) { builder.Append($"@{sgin}{i},"); parameterList.Add(newSqlParameter($"@{sgin}{i}",valArr[i])); }returnnewSqlParameterInfo() { ParameterStr = builder.ToString().TrimEnd(','),ParameterArr=parameterList.To...
sgin="tmpParameter"+newRandom().Next(1,100); }if(valArr==null||valArr.Length==0) {returnnewSqlParameterInfo() { ParameterStr =string.Empty, ParameterArr =parameters }; } StringBuilder builder=newStringBuilder();varparameterList =newList<SqlParameter>();if(parameters!=null&& parameters.Length...
command.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameterName, valueList); // 执行查询 SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { // 处理查询结果 } reader.Close(); } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23....
Can you even have parameters in MySql?? I can connect fine and run a select query but when i try to insert a new row and make up a parameter collection it's like it doesn't even see them. Dim Conn As New System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=loca...
SqlParameter[] pms = sqlCommand.Parameters.Cast<SqlParameter>().ToArray(); var datainput = context.materials.SqlQuery(sqlCommand.CommandText, pms); 当然,这也意味着您当前的许多代码是不必要的,您可以将其丢弃 例如,您可以在没有仅用于存储参数和命令文本的 SqlCommand 对象的情况下编写此代码。 var SQL0...
SQL parameters You can create SQL templates by adding variables to your SQL queries in the Native/SQL editor. These variables will create filter widgets that you can use to change the variable’s value in the query. You can also add...
SQL parameters are populated by running an SQL query on a database. SQL parameters are defined in the NSM service template XML. They are run when you POST a service for execution. SQL parameter values are validated when they are submitted and before the service is run. To execute an SQL ...
You can embed SQL statements in programming languages. You can use parameters within SQL statements to specify the values that the programs are to query or to save. You declare these parameters as variables (so-called host variables) within the embedding program. ...
returnado.SqlQuery<T>(result_sql, parameters).ToList(); } 我发现parameters中,包含IN参数的时候,只能获取到总数,获取不到明细。大概原因如下: Sugar把SQL提交给数据库执行前,会先对参数进行处理。 原因如下:Sugar是会先进行对IN的值进行处理。 把In对应的参数替换成值,并且还把原来的设置为空了。 这样如果...
)"; /* Each sub array here will be a parameter array for a query. The values in each sub array are, in order, SalesOrderID, OrderQty, ProductID, SpecialOfferID, UnitPrice. */ $parameters = array( array(43659, 8, 711, 1, 20.19), array(43660, 6, 762, 1, 419.46), array(43661...