通过Elapsed/DB Time比较,反映出数据库的繁忙程度。如果DB Time>>Elapsed,则说明数据库很忙。 (4)DB Time 表示用户操作花费的时间,包括CPU时间和等待事件。通常同时这个数值判读数据库的负载情况。 具体含义 db time = cpu time + wait time(不包含空闲等待)(非后台进程) *db time就是记录的服务器花在数据库...
SQL ordered by Parse CallsSQL的软解析次数 的TOP SQLSQL ordered by Sharable Memory录了 SQL 占用 library cache 的大小 的 TOPSQLSQL ordered by Version Count记录了 SQL的打开子游标 的TOP SQLSQL ordered by Cluster Wait Time记录了集群的等待时间的 SQLComplete List of SQ 9、L Textsql语句列表S QL...
• Elapsed Time(S): SQL语句执行用总时长,此排序就是按照这个字段进行的。注意该时间不是单个SQL跑的时间,而是监控范围内SQL执行次数的总和时间。单位时间为秒 Elapsed Time = CPU Time + Wait Time • CPU Time(s): 为SQL语句执行时CPU占用时间总时长,此时间会小于等于Elapsed Time时间。单位时间为秒。
To understand the definition, let's take a look at Example 15.10 provided by the textbook: A relation R(a,b) that is sorted on attribute a and stored in that order, packed into blocks, is surely clusterd. An index on a is a clustering index, since for a given a-value a1, all th...
... Cluster Wait Time 集群等待时长。 SQL ordered by Parse Calls 被分析次数(不区分硬分析与软分析)的…hzhg12345.blog.163.com|基于9个网页 2. 软解析次数 Oracle AWR 报告分析 - 666的日志 -... ... SQL ordered by Executions: 执行次数排序 SQL ordered by Parse Calls: 软解析次数 ... blog...
of CREATE CLUSTER, 7-257 HAVING condition of GROUP BY clause, 7-579 heap-organized tables creating, 7-390 hexadecimal value returning, 2-43 HEXTORAW function, 2-37, 4-37 HH date format element, 2-46 HH12 date format element, 2-46 HH24 date format element, 2-46 hiera...
La contesa di latch può verificarsi anche se l'accesso è casuale nell'albero B, ad esempio quando una colonna non sequenziale è la chiave iniziale in un indice cluster. Lo screenshot seguente è relativo a un sistema in cui si verifica questo tipo di contesa di latch. In questo ...
The columns are matched by position, not by name. A clustered table uses the cluster's space allocation. Therefore, do not use the PCTFREE, PCTUSED, INITRANS, or MAXTRANS parameters, the TABLESPACE clause, or the storage_clause with the CLUSTER clause. Restriction: Object tables cannot be...
hash join/merge join/nest loop(cluster join)/index join 2:不借助第三方工具,怎样查看sql的执行计划 set autotrace on set autotrace traceonly explain plan set statement_id = &item_id for &sql; select * from table(dbms_xplan.display);