ORDER BY 關鍵字 (SQL ORDER BY Keyword) 我們可以將 SELECT 取得的資料集依某欄位來作排序,而排序分別可以由小至大 (ascending; 預設),或由大至小 (descending)。 ORDER BY 語法 (SQL ORDER BY Syntax) SELECT table_column1, table_column2... FROM table_name ORDER BY column_name1 ASC|DESC, column...
Here we have used the minimum possible keywords and clauses, but you can consider using ORDER BY clauses in SELECT statements with GROUP BY, HAVING, WHERE clauses, etc. Having discussed the syntax and parameters used for sorting result sets in descending order, let us discuss a few examples...
sql .OrderByDescending<Topic>(x => x.Updated) .OrderByDescending<Comment>(comment => comment.Created);varresult = _databaseContext.Database.Fetch<ReadOnlyTopic, ReadOnlyComment, ReadOnlyTopic>(newTopicCommentRelator().Map, sql);returnresult; } 开发者ID:QuangDang212,...
The ORDER BY keyword sorts the records in ascending order by default. To sort the records in descending order, use the DESC keyword(自动按升序) 升序:select*from customers order by country; 降序:select*from customers order by countrydesc; 例:selects all customers from the "Customers" table, ...
Syntax to sort the records in descending order: SELECTColumnName1,…,ColumnNameNFROMTableNameORDERBYColumnNameDESC; Let us explore more on this topic with the help of examples. We will use the MySQL database for writing the queries in examples. ...
二、排序显示:ORDER BY 字句排序显示语法:SELECT [DISTINCT] * | 列名称 [AS] 列别名,列名称 [AS] 列别名FROM 表名称 表别名[WHERE 条件(s) ] [ORDER BY 排序的字段 | 列索引序号 ASC|DESC ,排序的字段2 ASC | DESC ..] … ;ORDER BY自居中指定要进行排序的字段,字段有2中排序模式:...
Let's see on the syntax: SELECT[COLUMN NAME]FROM[TABLE NAME]ORDER BY[COLUMN 1] ASCindicates ascending order. (This value is default sorting for SQL syntax) DESCindicates descending order. EXAMPLE#1 : TableGameScores let's see some simple sorting from the SQL statement usingORDER BYSQL statem...
> SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY age NULLS LAST; John 30 Dan 50 Mike 80 Mary NULL Jerry NULL -- Sort rows by age in descending manner, which defaults to NULL LAST. > SELECT name, age FROM person ORDER BY age DESC; Mike 80 Dan 50 John 30 Jerry NULL ...
Syntax to sort the records in descending order: SELECTColumnName1,...,ColumnNameNFROMTableNameORDERBYColumnNameDESC; Syntax to sort the records in ascending order without using ASC keyword: SELECTColumnName1,...,ColumnNameNFROMTableNameORDERBYColumnName; ...
varsearchTerm ="Lorem ipsum";varblogs = context.Blogs .FromSql($"SELECT * FROM dbo.SearchBlogs({searchTerm})") .Where(b => b.Rating >3) .OrderByDescending(b => b.Rating) .ToList(); The above query generates the following SQL: ...