1 Condition in Where Clause - SQL Server 4 where clause based on conditions 1 Using multiple conditions in SQL WHERE clause 1 Applying SQL WHERE Conditionally 0 sql conditional where clause 0 Condition on the WHERE clause 0 Condition within Where Clause 0 SQL Query with condition in ...
TheANDoperator has greater precedence than theORoperator, so your current code is actually being ...
I need to put this condition in WHERE Clause using Case-When so that whatever input is given by user, it is handled by the SQL Query and appropriate result is returned. It could be possible that user selects both NULL and Non-NULL values from dropdownlist. Please guide as to how to pu...
ORDER BY prod_name; #其中.表示匹配任意一个字符 3.使用BINMARY区分大小写 where prod_name REGEXP BINMAY 'JetPack .000' #MySQL本身不区分大小写 4.进行OR匹配 SELECT prod_name FROM products WHERE prod_name REGEXP '1000|2000' ORDER BY prod_name; 5.匹配几个字符之一 SELECT prod_name FROM produ...
Example - Two Conditions in the WHERE Clause (OR Condition) You can use theOR conditionin the WHERE clause to test multiple conditions where the record is returned if any one of the conditions are met. In this example, we have a table calledproductswith the following data: ...
WHERECountry='Mexico'; Try it Yourself » Syntax SELECTcolumn1,column2, ... FROMtable_name WHEREcondition; Note:TheWHEREclause is not only used inSELECTstatements, it is also used inUPDATE,DELETE, etc.! Demo Database Below is a selection from theCustomerstable used in the examples: ...
d) SELECT Gender FROM Users WHERE Last_Name = 'Wilkes'; 2. What's the result of the following query? SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Join_Date = 'Apr-09-2015'; 3. (True or False) The condition used in the WHERE clause must include a column that is part of the SELECT clause. Next...
Following is the syntax for using the AND and OR operators in a WHERE clause − WHERE(condition1ORcondition2)ANDcondition3; Example In the following query, we are retrieving all rows from the CUSTOMERS table based on some conditions. The parentheses control the order of evaluation so that th...
The WHERE clause could be used in different CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Filtering a SQL SELECT Statement A WHERE clause can be added to a SELECT statement to only return the rows that match a specific condition. For example, suppose we need to retrieve the information of...
<where><foreachcollection="oredCriteria"item="criteria"separator="or"><iftest="criteria.valid"><trimprefix="("prefixOverrides="and"suffix=")"><foreachcollection="criteria.criteria"item="criterion"><choose><whentest="criterion.noValue">and ${criterion.condition}</when><whentest="criterion.sing...