Set@sql=replace(@sql,'<d>',convert(nvarchar(8),dateadd(dd,-30,getdate()),112)) Set@sql=replace(@sql,'"',''') ExecyExecNLog.LogAndOrExec @context='yMaint.LogCleanup' ,@info='Cleanup log entries older than 30 days, for SQL Server job maintenace plans' ,@sql=@sql ,@JobNo=@Jo...
If Query Store runs out of space, it will delete query information older than 30 days. You can set the capture policy to: All: Query Store captures all queries. Auto: Query Store ignores infrequent queries and queries with insignificant compile and execution duration. Thresholds for execution ...
If key access is restored after more than 30 minutes, autoheal of the database isn't possible. Bringing back the database requires extra steps on the Azure portal and can take a significant amount of time depending on the size of the database. ...
History Cleanup- removing records older than 30 days from system tables Maintenance_OptimizeWeek Index Optimize– rebuilding or reorganizing indexes based on their fragmentation (0% -30%, 30% - 60%, 60% - 100%). Excluding offline index rebuilds to prevent table locks.
This post continuity of Table Partition design Suggestion. I have tried to truncate older partition and merging it. But I am getting an error "Invalid partition number 8 specified for table 'dbo... sql-server t-sql Saran 93 askedNov 13 at 10:15 4...
Delete Files Older Than X-Days Except Certain Subfolders Export DHCP Scope Options Values Read Registry from multiple servers via Powershell Update Active Directory User attributes from CSV – GUI Distribution group update based on AD attributes – PowerShell Monitor Windows Services status Remotely Expo...
(SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF)'SET@deleteHistoryDataScript = @deleteHistoryDataScript +' DELETE FROM ['+ @historyTableSchema +'].['+ @historyTableName +'] WHERE ['+ @periodColumnName +'] < '+'''+CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), @cleanupOlderThanDate,126) +'''SET@enableVersioningScript = @enableVersio...
how to get all date older than 180 days from getdate() How to get all field names in a table using sql query? How to get all the manager of managers above of an employee How to get begin and end date of any quarter in sql server 2008 how to get count of files How to get Curr...
All failure records older than 30 days are deleted.Here's an example log file that indicates a contact entity record synchronization failure.Entity: contact, RecordId: 459d1d3e-7cc8-e611-80f7-5065f38bf1c1, NotificationTime: 12/28/2016 12:32:39 AM, ChangeType: Update, FailureReason: ...
Delay processing of next task by 30 minutes in SSIS package Delete a existing excel sheet from ssis Delete and update in different tables using SSIS package Delete files older than 3 days using SSIS tasks delete using execute sql task where from a variable Deleting Old, Unused Connections from...