NVL(expression, default_value)。 The expression parameter is the value that you want to check for NULL. If the expression is NULL, then the default_value parameter will be returned. For example, the following query uses the NVL function to replace NULL values in the "name" column with the...
To be clear, if i need to apply this NVL function to more than one column like this: NVL(column1;column2 ... , here is the default value for all ) Answer: You will need to make separate NVL function calls for each column. For example: select NVL(table_name, 'not found'), NVL(...
The NVL2 function is similar to the NVL function. NVL2 allows you to specify a value to check, and then specify a value to use if it is null, as well as a value to use if it is not null. It’s similar to NVL because NVL allows you to check a value and return something else i...
To be clear, if i need to apply this NVL function to more than one column like this: NVL(column1;column2 ... , here is the default value for all ) Answer: You will need to make separate NVL function calls for each column. For example: select NVL(table_name, 'not found'), NVL(...
SELECT translate('我是中国人,我爱中国', '中国', 'China') "Translate example" FROM dual; 5、通用函数 If –then–else 逻辑 31、 nvl(value,str)函数 如果第一个参数不是null,返回的就是第一个参数,如果第一个为null,就返回第二个参数
Example of DECODE and NVL functionsSELECT STATE, DECODE(STATE,'HI', 'Remote US state', 'AK', 'Continental US state', 'Contiguous US state') LOCATION FROM CUSTOMER The column the DECODE function examines is named STATE Explanation of an example of the DECODE function The column the ...
The MS AccessIsNull()function returns TRUE (-1) if the expression is a null value, otherwise FALSE (0): SELECTProductName, UnitPrice * (UnitsInStock + IIF(IsNull(UnitsOnOrder),0, UnitsOnOrder)) FROMProducts; Oracle The OracleNVL()function achieves the same result: ...
Some functions which are similar to the Oracle NULLIF function are: COALESCE– Looks at many input values and returns the first non-NULL value. NVL– Allows you to check a value or expression, and if it is NULL, return a different value. ...
nvl(s.username, ''[Oracle process]'') user_name, s.terminal terminal, s.program program, st.value criteria_value from v$sesstat st, v$session s , v$process p where st.sid = s.sid and st.statistic# = to_number(''38'') and (''ALL'' = ''ALL'' or s.status = ''ALL'') ...
Note: The same effect can be achieved with the SQL string and the NVL function. See "Applying SQL Operators to Fields" on page 5-78. Null Columns at the End of a Record When the control file specifies more fields for a record than are present in the record, SQL*Loader must determine...